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Our friend Michelle

  • A Heartfelt Thank You and the Journey Ahead

      1 August 2024
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    We are deeply grateful for all the support, prayers, and kindness we have received so far. Your generosity has been a true blessing for us and we appreciate it more than words can express.

    Your kind donations have covered some of the costs for my IV Vitamin C treatments which have been shown to support cancer patients by reducing inflammation, enhancing the effectiveness of chemotherapy, and improving overall well-being. This treatment significantly helped me manage the effects of chemo and recover from my extensive surgery in April. Despite initial complications, my recovery is now progressing well, and I am happy to share that I have completed my chemo.

    Looking forward, I am working with a functional health team on a comprehensive cancer support program aimed at strengthening my immune system. I recently tested positive for a BRCA1 mutation, and once my white blood cell levels recover from chemo, I will begin taking a Parp inhibitor. This maintenance drug will be used for 2 years with the hope of preventing recurrence of the cancer.

    Given the high recurrence rate of ovarian cancer, it is crucial for me to build and maintain a strong immune system. Your continued support will be invaluable in helping us cover the costs of monthly medications, supplements, Vitamin C infusions and Mistletoe therapy to bolster my immune system.

    Thank you again for all your love, support, and generosity. It means the world to us as we navigate this challenging journey.

    With heartfelt gratitude

      1 comment  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 01/08/2024 by Kylie Crosby

      Beautiful words and Looking great there my friend. Ringing the bell for your final chemo 💪

      You are doing amazing ❤️