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Our love & support to Malcolm's Family

$40,431 donated
Given by 207 generous donors in one year

Our love & support to Malcolm's Family

West Coast

After having a beautiful Christmas with his family, Malcolm Richards suffered a stroke before passing peacefully on 28 December. Malcolm's generous, caring and positive nature means he will be missed by everyone he touched. A loving and devoted husband to Marianna and father of Filipe (3), Pedro (6) and Lucas (18), nothing was more important to him than family.

A bit about Malcolm

Malcolm had lived in Fox Glacier for 17 years and worked in a job he loved with Fox Glacier Guides for this entire time. Malcolm always went above and beyond for everyone, a great listener with thoughtful advice that would be dispensed with a good dose of humor. He was the ultimate YES man, he had the biggest heart and there were no limits to the help or support he would give.

Malcolm was the main volunteer ambulance officer and he served the Search & Rescue team and Civil Defense. Through his years in these roles he has supported both the Fox community and visitors making them feel safe and comfortable in their times of need. He was also a wedding celebrant!

He had beaten cancer twice and had been cancer free for approx. 10 years. Because of this his life insurance didn't cover medical events and he was therefore uninsured in this instance. Malcolm was the sole income provider for the household, supporting Marianna and their young family.

If you can give a little, it would be very appreciated.

Thank you.

Elaine Scott's involvement (page creator)

A brother and sister the world gave me.

Use of funds

All funds go directly to Marianna to help with living costs through the initial period of grieving.

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Latest donations

Jessica on 01 Dec 2022
With love and deepest sympathy.
Glenn on 04 Jul 2022
All our love and strength Glenn and Becky
Florencia & Bruno
Florencia & Bruno on 30 Mar 2022
Jaye on 16 Mar 2022
So sorry for your loss. Wishing you and your boys a much brighter future xx
Richard on 13 Mar 2022

Who's involved?

Elaine Scott's avatar
Created by Elaine Scott
Marianna (Rochella) Richards's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Marianna (Rochella) Richards
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This campaign started on 29 Dec 2021 and ended on 29 Dec 2022.