I created this page after being asked by Gemma & her family so we can give Nekko the send off he deserves.
Nelson / Tasman
Nekko had the brightest future ahead of him unfortunately yesterday his life was taken too soon by a tragic accident. Nekko had a beautiful smile and a personality that was one in a million. Cheeky, bubbly and full of energy he could light up any room he walked in to. Nekko will always be in our heart and minds. We will cherish the memories we made with him for a life time.
Rest in peace and love, you will be the brightest star in the sky.
We all love you and will miss you so much!
Mum and paa
You are near,
even if I don't see you.
You are with me,
even if you are far away.
Your are in my heart,
in my thoughts,
in my life always.
*If donations are no longer needed for funeral costs, the family will appreciate help with paying for time away from work and any other expenses.
I am Gemma's best friend.
The funds raised will be used for Nekkos funeral.
Latest Update 13 November 2019
Recently ACC have been in contact with Gemma regarding Nekkos death and since it was an accident ACC are willing to contribute towards some of the funeral cost. We would like to thank you all again for your donations, condolences and your support at this extremely hard time. With any remaining funds Gemma, Nekkos Paa Nathan and family will be buying an urn box for his ashes and creating a special symbol of remembrance for the bright shining star he was and always will be. 🌟