Our Prince Tutteto Junior “Lapana” Tupou

$2,978 donated
Given by 60 generous donors in 7 days

I want to help my cousin and her family relieve some of their financial burden during this difficult time of losing her son Lapana.


On Wednesday 18th September 2019 our boy Lapana was reported missing from Lady Moana (local vessel) while en route from Rakahanga to Rarotonga.

Unfortunately, the search and rescue teams were unable to locate our boy Lapana presumed lost at sea.

Junior & Matapo Tupou (parents of Lapana) and all extended families would love to extend their heartfelt appreciation to all those involved in search rescue efforts from Police Teams to local boats, family, friends, Aitutaki locals and everyone who pulled together to help find Lapana. We are forever grateful.

Now Junior & Matapo, their children and all their families are left to continue with making funeral arrangements. I am asking on their behalf for any contribution to help relieve some of their financial burden to help them through this difficult task of grieving and mourning their son.

Their hearts and love for their Prince Lapana was pure and true. We will continue to pray for his return home.

Thank you korereka.

Monovai Melanie Arai's involvement (page creator)

This is my cousin and I want to offer her some support by way of relieving some financial burden for her and her family during this difficult time, as well as the days ahead.

Use of funds

To help relieve financial burden in this time of grief and loss.

Latest update

Appreciation Post   29 September 2019

I want to personally thank everyone who has donated to this cause and truly appreciate all the love from all over. Although the hopes of Lapana returning are strong as are our prayers, there is comfort in knowing family, friends and the community all over the Pacific have been a great amount of support over these past couple of weeks to the grieving family.

Blessings to everyone,

We will always pray for Lapana to return home 💙

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Latest donations

Kompton on 02 Oct 2019
Prayers going out to your family, God Bless
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Oct 2019
Just wanted you to say even though we don’t know each other,my heart goes out to you and your family for your loss of Your Prince.
Terry on 01 Oct 2019
Te tuku atu nei te aroha kia kotou katoatoa. Te mamae noti nei te ngakau no te ngaroanga ta tatou pepe tamaroa ko Lapana. Please accept this small token of our love and support for whatever is needed to get you through this most trialling time. With all our love ♥️ Tere & Tuatai Joe
Cruz and harlem
Cruz and harlem on 01 Oct 2019
Extending my most heartfelt sympthany to u and your family. God bless
Tai, Jay & Family💙
Tai, Jay & Family💙 on 01 Oct 2019
Love You Family💙

Who's involved?

Monovai Melanie Arai's avatar
Created by Monovai Melanie Arai
Matapo  Piho's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Matapo Piho
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This campaign started on 25 Sep 2019 and ended on 3 Oct 2019.