Raising funds to support the Kauri’s as they grieve the loss of Taya
On Friday the 8th of February our world fell apart - Taya woke up with a racing heart and despite being rushed to Middlemore hospital, the wonderful medical team were unable to save our girl.
We are left in pieces at her loss and the thought of a future without her is incomprehensible.
Taya was kind and nurturing - looking out for others less fortunate and making sure no one was left behind. She was intelligent and funny with her big sparkly eyes and cheeky little laugh. She was so so special to those of us lucky enough to have known her.
Her mum Monique, sisters Ava, Peyton, Phoenix and Dallas and dad Kodez are surrounded by loving family and friends as arrangements have begun to put on a farewell fit for such a wonderful girl.
However this is just the start of a long and difficult journey for Taya’s family. So many people have been touched by her life and we wanted to give you an opportunity to support Monique and the girls by setting up this page to raise funds to help with taking the pressure off financially as they grieve our beautiful Tay.
Our wonderful sister has a tough road ahead as she and her girls navigate through the loss of their wonderful Taya
Building memories with the girls and taking the pressure off financially as they grieve and try to carry on