Twins born 27wks and 2days after 8 years of IVF will be a long hard road starting by leaving the girls in NICU for 3 months.
Nelson / Tasman
For the past 8 years of heartache and challenges with a full 7 rounds of IVF to achieve her chance to be a mother. With a last ditch attempt on the final round it worked. After confirming the pregnancy and finding a healthy baby Linda had a feeling something was not right and her GP ordered another Ultrasound when watching the shock was she was having MCDA identical twins. The road to get pregnant was tough, so then discovering the journey through pregnancy would also be a rough road which caused a lot of anxiety and stress. Then the discovery of a suspected parathyroid tumor made things even more difficult.
Then the discovery of SIUGR in Twin B due to a placenta issue of what twin B had access too. Each week the discordance between the twins grew greater and then the difficult decisions of selective reductions were needed to be had Prof Gardiner from Mater Mothers Hospital Brisbane.
With long discussions Prof Gardiner said he would be happy if Linda made it to 24 weeks and she did and she also hit the next milestone of 26 weeks which enabled their survival even more the next target of 28 weeks. They mad it to scan day 27 weeks and 2 days and was told that they needed to be admitted for c section on the the Tuesday or Wednesday to allow for the best team to be there for them. Well after that decision was made mainly due to Twin B's reduced movements that morning things changed quickly and by 1:30pm they were in Theater and getting ready for there arrival. At 1401 hours Harlyn Amelia Eva Paget was born weighing 990 grams then followed by her fiesty sister Kohana Mia Clare Paget at 1402hours weighing a tiny 600 grams. The most amazing part of it all was the dr saying OMG they are breathing on there own. Eddie was asked to see them and got to cut there cords then follow them up to the NICU which Linda went to for recovery. After a whirlwind few hours Linda finally got to see her girls. Harlyn has since needed a breathing tube and many other interventions along the way, They will continue to be looked aft in the NICU for the next few months. Kohana is doing amazing even getting to have cuddles with mum and dad at 3 days old. The next 3 moths of daily visits and drives etc will take it toll but at least Linda finally has her babies and they are fighting all the way.
I am Linda Pagets sister
The funds will be used for last minute items for the girls, accommodation close to the hospital and travel to and from the hospital and parking at the hospital as this all mounts up. And not having family around in this time for help is taking its toll.
Update 20 July 2021
It is with a very heavy heart that I write this update.
On Thursday 15/7/21 at 1pm our “little flower” Kohana passed away in our arms, aged 4 months, at the Gold Coast University Hospital.
We are so proud of how hard she fought & are extremely grateful for the time we have had with her & Harlyn.
Our precious wee angel has left a huge imprint on our hearts, along with beautiful memories.
Harlyn, after 123 days in hospital has come home. It will be very hard without Kohana but are pleased to finally have her home & looking forward to the new beginnings ahead.
We would like to thank everyone for their ongoing support, it has been greatly appreciated.
Love Eddie, Linda, Harlyn & Kohana xxx
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