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Palliative care training to help Rohingya Refugees

$1,355 donated
Given by 19 generous donors in 12 weeks

Our Dad (Walter) is taking time off work to travel to Bangladesh to help train healthcare and community workers in Palliative Care.


We have set up this fundraising page to support our Dad (Walter).

He is taking time off work to travel to Bangladesh for three weeks in October. He’s joining an international team (three doctors and one counselor) to help train and mentor healthcare providers and community workers in Palliative Care.

Dad has worked as a palliative care nurse for over 20 years. He has shared his knowledge here in New Zealand and now has the opportunity to travel back to Bangladesh to help there. Bangladesh is a country close to our hearts. Mum and Dad met in Bangladesh in the 70’s and we lived there as a family in the 80s. In total he lived for 7 years in Bangladesh.

Most of the training will be in the Rohingya Camps near Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh.

“Over 723,000 Rohingya refugees have fled to Bangladesh since 25 August 2017. Most walked for days through jungles and mountains, or braved dangerous sea voyages across the Bay of Bengal. They arrived exhausted, hungry and sick – in need of international protection and humanitarian assistance.” (UNHCR, 2019).

The needs of the dying and of people with physical disabilities or chronic illnesses – are often neglected in humanitarian emergencies. Dad will be working with the only palliative care project in the Rohingya refugee camp. He is not getting paid for this work and will be covering his own expenses. For more information about the project he’ll be working at visit https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/video/2019/04/22/healer-rohingya-camps-local-response-reaches-untreated-refugees

We have set up this fundraising page to help Dad get back to Bangladesh. Your donation will go towards his travel costs, vaccinations, visa and to the project he’s working with.

Please support Walter to train professionals with the skills to be able to give dignity and care to people suffering from life threatening and severe chronic illnesses.

If each of our friends made a small donation of $5 we can support Dad’s trip to Bangladesh and help Rohingya Refugees.

Tina & Steph Nasarek's involvement (page creator)

We have set up this fundraising page to support our Dad (Walter).

Use of funds

Your donation will go towards Walters travel costs, vaccinations, visa and to the project he’s working with.

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Latest update

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Departure time  13 October 2019

Papa (Walter) has packed his bag and is ready to go. We're overwhelmed with the generous support. Thank you to all those who have contributed towards some of his travel cost but most importantly towards the project.

I spoke to Dad early this week and he'd already packed to see how much his luggage weighed. (Only 3 kgs overweight).

How did you prepare for the trip?

I got my Visa and managed to get all my vaccinations up to date and hope I remember to take all my prophylaxis.

Kees and I were able to prepare some of the lectures.

How long is the flight?

Total of 19 long hours!

What's the temperature in Bangladesh?

It's now 7am and 26C

What are you looking forward to the most?

The food... But most importantly working with the team to make health and community workers aware of the palliative needs in humanitarian crisis situations.

What are you not looking forward to?

Mosquitoes! And the high humidity - up to 32C and 85% humidity.

Feel free to add more questions below and will try to get Papas answer for you.

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Latest donations

Sam on 15 Oct 2019
Sarah on 14 Oct 2019
Safe travels, wonderful Walter x
Sharon on 13 Oct 2019
Sharon on 13 Oct 2019
Love and blessings Walter xox
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Oct 2019
Die Einzahlung erfolgt im Namen von Erhard Wagner

Who's involved?

Tina & Steph Nasarek's avatar
Created by Tina & Steph Nasarek
Walter Nasarek's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Walter Nasarek
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This campaign started on 2 Sep 2019 and ended on 30 Nov 2019.