Palmerston North Rescue Helicopter

$160 donated
Given by 2 generous donors in 2 years

The Palmerston North Rescue Helicopter, our aim is simple - to save lives!

Manawatu / Whanganui

The Palmerston North Rescue Helicopter service was founded in 1991 and has touched the lives of thousands of patients.

The Palmerston North Rescue Helicopter provides 24-hour emergency service, 365 days a year. Engaged when time is critical or accessibility is compromised, our search and rescue helicopters serve the central North Island, providing an essential emergency service in your community.

Dispatched through the 111-call system, our rapid response rescue helicopters bring life-saving equipment, rescue personnel, with full-time Flight Paramedic workforce, and experienced Intensive Care Paramedics (ICP) directly to the patient.

Philips Search & Rescue Trust (PSRT) is the charity responsible for fundraising and promotion of the North Island’s largest pool of community rescue helicopters. PSRT aims to provide the highest standard of air ambulance, and search and rescue services. We believe that through enduring relationships with the communities in which we operate, together we can save lives.

About us

Philips Search & Rescue Trust (PSRT) is the charity responsible for fundraising, and promotion of the North Island’s largest pool of community rescue helicopters. PSRT aims to provide the highest standard of air ambulance, and search and rescue services.

Use of funds

Whilst some of our annual operating costs are covered by way of our government contracts, we rely heavily on the generosity of sponsors and the community to fund the shortfall that allows us to be rescue ready 24/7, 365 days of the year.

Latest donations

Anne Broomfiled
Anne Broomfiled on 20 May 2020
Donation as tribute to Anne Broomfileld
Paul on 22 Apr 2020

Who's involved?

Philips Search & Rescue Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Philips Search & Rescue Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 21 Aug 2019 and ended on 21 Aug 2021.