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Patience Project - Let's get sick children back in the classroom with their mates!

$17,509 of $350,000 goal
Given by 104 generous donors in one year

Help us get at least 100 children isolated through long-term illness connected with their friends and whanau via our innovative technology.


"Young people living with an illness are recognised as amongst the most disadvantaged and isolated patients in the health care system... internationally." (David et al, 2008)

The research is clear, absence from school resulting from illness or its treatment, is a problem with major educational and social consequences.

We want your help in raising our goal so we can make 100 children socially isolated through a long-term illness feel included again. It's hard enough dealing with the medical intervention and treatment, for kids to be forgotten by friends and school at the same time makes it doubly so.

Every $5000 raised enables us to connect another child. Every little bit counts -- you will make a difference.

The Patience Project creates a sense of connectedness and increased well-being, by placing 360° live streaming cameras into a child's classroom and allowing them to be a part of the classroom vibe, no matter where they are. They can see and hear everything - they are virtually there!

Independent research into the effectiveness of the Patience Project, undertaken by the University of Auckland in 2018, shows that we can make a significant difference in well-being, by keeping the children socially in-touch with their friends and their education. In collaboration with the Starship Foundation, we are undertaking further research with 40 children currently undergoing treatment at Starship Children's Hospital.

About us

The Patience Project offers young people with a long-term illness a chance to re-engage with the world through innovative technology.

Use of funds

The funds will be used to purchase 360-degree live streaming cameras to place in classrooms, VR headsets, mobile connectivity, streaming airtime, support resources and research.

Latest donations

Christopher on 13 Nov 2019
Antje + Christiane
Antje + Christiane on 05 Oct 2019
All the best for the project again. Donation from the party guests.
Rocket Kids Early Learning Centre
Rocket Kids Early Learning Centre on 04 Sep 2019
with love from our whānau to yours.
Antje + Christiane
Antje + Christiane on 31 Aug 2019
Great idea. I would love to have here in my classroom.
Katherine & Tony
Katherine & Tony on 18 Aug 2019

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, The Patience Project (Charity)
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This campaign started on 13 Mar 2019 and ended on 13 Mar 2020.