Philippine outreach: give a little, save a front liner, save lives

$350 donated
Given by 3 generous donors in 7 days

I understand everyone is struggling, but even if we share a little this will help greatly help someone from dying. LET US GIVE THEM HOPE.


We all how limited resources are in the Philippines not to mention the huge corruption problems. However, this should not be the reason for us to abandon our fellow Filipino front liners sacrificing their lives and their families' lives to contain this pandemic and save others. Save a front liner now, save more kababayans.

Our front liners are struggling to keep themselves safe and save more patients, they are even resorting to using garbage bags as gowns, sewed masks and printed face shields.

We just can't sit around and wait for a miracle to happen. Let us be that miracle and be God's blessing to others.

Photo credit to Filipino Times

We desperately need you help now. In every minute wasted, cases of COVID and risks to our front liners are increasing significantly. let us give them HOPE to continue the fight.

Any amount donated will be greatly appreciated. Every cent will make a difference between life and death. Let us stand united against COVID19.

Why is my donation going to a personal account

This is because the hospitals are not on the listed organizations on fundraising account being a small hospital.

sunshine san juan's involvement (page creator)

hospitals I have assurance that aide will be received and will not be corrupted. Assurance is due to previous colleagues and relatives working as front liners.

Use of funds

Funds will be sent to previous colleagues and relatives working as front liners in the Philippines.

They will be used in the purchase of more reliable PPE's for our front liners of Cebu City Medical Center and Don Emilio Hospital. If target exceeds we will be sharing it to other hospitals in need.

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Latest donations

Ingko Costan Garden Resort-Sindulan Naga
Ingko Costan Garden Resort-Sindulan Naga on 02 Apr 2020
Tagala Chicken Butterfly
Tagala Chicken Butterfly on 02 Apr 2020
Neneth on 31 Mar 2020
Jacqueline on 31 Mar 2020
sunshine on 31 Mar 2020

Who's involved?

sunshine san juan's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, sunshine san juan on behalf of Cebu City Medical Center and Don Emilio Hospital
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This campaign started on 31 Mar 2020 and ended on 7 Apr 2020.