On The Road To Take On The World

$1,600 of $5,000 goal
Given by 36 generous donors in 5 weeks

Your support helps me promote health and fitness through the sport I love.


I'm using my selection in the team to represent New Zealand at the World Natural bodybuilding competition to highlight and promote the positive effects of health and fitness in both the local Thai community and to NZ women generally.

I aim to show that if we take personal responsibility for our nutrition and physical well-being and support each other, we can achieve anything.

Any support you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

In November I'm off to represent New Zealand in The Natural Olympia Bodybuilding Competition in San Diego.

I'm part of a small team - there are only 7 of us - who will show the rest of the world that Kiwis can flex with the best of them. I've put in all the hard yards: training, dieting, mental and physical preparation. All I need now are the means to get to the show.

With your help I will get there. Let's get this show on the road!

Latest update

""Let's Be Cops"" Movie Premier. We're Going To The Movies  29 September 2014

Hi everyone. This week we have added a Premier Movie Night to our fundraising cause. It's call ""Let's Be Cops"" and it's a comedy about two friends who pretend to be cops and have hilarious fun and a bit of trouble as well. And it will be the FIRST EVER SCREENING IN NEW ZEALAND!! Come and join us! You can donate $15 each(or more) here. Just put your name and ""movie"" as a reference so we know to reserve your ticket for you. We hope to see you there. Thank you for visiting my Give A Little page.

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Aum Sunisa kotchasila
Aum Sunisa kotchasila on 04 Nov 2014
Augusta on 18 Oct 2014
Best of luck! You've worked so hard and you're an inspiration to me!
Pavla pickova
Pavla pickova on 18 Oct 2014
Best of luck my love, you will be great! Love lots xxx
Michelle Vergel de Dios
Michelle Vergel de Dios on 16 Oct 2014
Happy birthday, Pich! :D
????? on 10 Oct 2014
???????? 555

Who's involved?

Pichuda Copeland's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Pichuda Copeland
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This campaign started on 25 Sep 2014 and ended on 5 Nov 2014.