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Pipi & Mae need your help!

  • Update on Pipi & Mae

      2 May 2024
    Main image

    We have edited the page description and goal to reflect that both Pipi & Mae need the surgery now, at an estimated cost of $3000 each.

    Pipi is the most urgent case as her ear drums are ruptured. Mae's are in slightly better condition, but only just :(.

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  • We are getting there!

      29 April 2024

    Hey everyone!

    Thank you again for your generous donations!

    We are getting there :)

    Both Pipi & Mae are in good hands with their foster Mum's, and are heading to Chch for their consults with the specialist soon.

    Will keep you all posted!

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  • A bit of a sad update :(

      21 April 2024

    Thank you everyone for your donations towards Pipi's ear surgery, we are well on our way to getting some relief for her :)

    Sadly Pipi's sister Mae has also just been diagnosed with the same condition, so we are now fundraising for 2 ear surgeries.

    However, with the generosity of our supporters we are well on the way!

    Thank you everyone :)

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