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$1,125 of $8,000 goal
Given by 13 generous donors in around 5 months

Stolen, dumped and burned to billy-o. Plains FM is fund-raising for a replacement vehicle! Can you Give A Little? Please share this link!

Christchurch, Canterbury

Rotten thieves stole our station vehicle in January 2024, damaged it, dumped it and then someone set it alight. It is our roving billboard and used for all sorts of visits to community groups and events.

Staff could all fit into it! We miss it and although it was insured the market value is nowhere near the amount we need to replace it with another newer but second-hand model.

We need to raise an extra $8000.

Can you help?!

About us

Plains FM, one of twelve independent community access radio stations in Aotearoa New Zealand, is dedicated to broadcasting local content with the support of NZ On Air. As a not-for-profit media organization governed by the Canterbury Communications Trust, we proudly host programs created by, for, and about people like you!

Our listeners revel in a distinctive blend of information, opinion, and debate, complemented by specialist music, cultural shows, features, and documentaries.

At Plains FM, we go beyond the airwaves to give voice to local interests, views, and beliefs. We are committed to preserving language and cultural identity, challenging opinions, misconceptions, and stereotypes. Our mission extends to empowering individuals with new skills and fostering community development, encouraging the creation of strong community networks.

Use of funds

Towards a replacement second-hand vehicle, preferably a 6-seater and no older than 2015

Latest update

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PlainsFM vehicle  6 June 2024

We'd love to say we have bought a new station vehicle but we are not quite there yet! We have tagged your donation to this project and are currently working on raising a few more funds so we can purchase a model a bit newer than the original burnt out one. Thank you so much for your help so far. We really appreciate it!

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Latest donations

Gerard on 05 Apr 2024
Keep making great media - for, by, about.
Carol on 17 Mar 2024
You guys are so fab - hope you get a new vehicle
Plains FM 96.9

Kia Ora, 🌻 Your support means everything and we're so grateful for your donation. It goes a long way towards reaching our funding goal to replace our station van so we can get back out in the community doing what we love to do and trying to make a positive difference. Thank you so much, The Plains FM team.

Plains FM 96.9
Rose on 14 Mar 2024
Great to support such an important organisation.
Plains FM 96.9

Kia Ora, 🌻 Your support means everything and we're so grateful for your donation. It goes a long way towards reaching our funding goal to replace our station van so we can get back out in the community doing what we love to do and trying to make a positive difference. Thank you so much, The Plains FM team.

Plains FM 96.9
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 13 Mar 2024
Plains FM 96.9

Kia Ora, 🌻 Your support means everything and we're so grateful for your donation. It goes a long way towards reaching our funding goal to replace our station van so we can get back out in the community doing what we love to do and trying to make a positive difference. Thank you so much, The Plains FM team.

Plains FM 96.9
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Feb 2024
Plains FM 96.9

Kia Ora, 🌻 Your support means everything and we're so grateful for your donation. It goes a long way towards reaching our funding goal to replace our station van so we can get back out in the community doing what we love to do and trying to make a positive difference. Thank you so much, The Plains FM team.

Plains FM 96.9

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Plains FM 96.9 (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 23 Feb 2024 and ended on 30 Jul 2024.