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Please Help Brett Solley With His Cancer Battle

  • Final Update

      28 December 2021

    Hi everyone, it's Joe Walmsley here writing an update on Saffrons behalf. Many of you will have heard already, but it is with a very heavy heart that we announce the passing of our dear friend Brett. He lived the words found in 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the fine fight. I have run the race to the finish...". He fought so long, and so hard, and we are all incredibly proud of him. Saffron had written an update last Tuesday, but didn't get the chance to post it before he was rushed back into hospital. So she's asked me to include it below so that you all know what has been happening in the last couple of weeks.

    (From Saffron).

    'Things can change quickly with this disease and sadly that is what’s happened for Brett. After months of improving health and good test results Brett started having rising CEA results and increasing pain. After a couple of weeks of consultation and investigation, a new CT scan was ordered. It quickly became clear that the unfunded chemo had stopped working. A new plan needed to be agreed upon and quickly.

    An alternative chemo combination (partly funded, partly unfunded) was proposed, along with another round of radiation (if possible) and Brett’s attitude was “we’ve got to give it a try!”

    Unfortunately his pain was increasing quickly by this stage and the paralysis in his left arm was returning - so it was concluded that the tumour in his C6 was changing again. When his pain was too much to manage at home, Brett was admitted to the Oncology ward at Auckland Hospital and an urgent MRI was ordered. His chemo was postponed and, as the tumour is still inoperable, radiation was ordered immediately.

    After a week on the ward (including 5 days radiation treatment) Brett is home again. Unfortunately they don’t think he will ever get the use of his left arm back, but they are hopeful that they’ve been able to do enough to protect and strengthen his right arm and legs. Time will tell.

    We are also waiting to see if he will be well enough to even start the new chemo. For now it remains on hold.

    In the meantime he continues to fight. Once again, thank you all for your generosity and love. You have kept our spirits up and ensured that Brett can say “yes” to another unfunded treatment'. -

    Since that update was written, Brett was rushed back into hospital and diagnosed with pneumonia. By late last week it was seeming more likely that he may not come out of hospital again, and so all of his family rallied around him in support. He passed away just before 1 o'clock on Saturday morning, peacefully, and with Saffron by his side.

    Nothing can truly take away the gutting pain of our friends death. But we just wanted to say that we are all so, so grateful for the incredible generosity all of you have shown to the Solley family. Brett never thought he was anything particularly special, but all of your abundant generosity in wanting to help him and his family, and your host of beautiful messages of encouragement proved him wrong. The messages especially really helped to keep him positive, and keep him fighting through these last trying months. He was a very precious man, and I have every confidence that we will see him again sooner rather than later.

    Thank you all again for everything.

    P.S I will leave the page up to run its course, and any new donations will go directly towards the support of Bretts beautiful family over the coming months.

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  • Update from Saffron (Brett’s Wife)

      9 October 2021
    Main image

    Let me begin by saying thank you. Thank you all so very, very much for your incredible generosity. Thank you for your words of encouragement, messages of love and your generous gifts. Your actions continue to make our hearts swell with gratitude and love, and our eyes well with tears.

    Brett is now over halfway through his initial 12 rounds of the unfunded chemo and I’m pleased to report it appears to be doing it’s job. His latest scans show the disease in his liver and adrenal gland has been suppressed and even the tumour in his C6 vertebrae appears to be shrinking and the bone repairing. Until recently his quality of life on the new chemo has been improving week on week. Unfortunately the disease in his spine has weakened his bones and he is currently coping with a cracked L1 vertebrae and the pain that brings.

    The apparent success of the new chemo means that he is likely to be receiving the unfunded treatment for a lot longer than the initial 6 months he started with. So thank you again. You may never know how much your generosity and support means to us.

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