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Please Help EVEREST a Orphaned Lamb 🐑 Climb Mountains to survive 🙏🏻

  • Everest 🐑

      24 November 2022
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    I’m really not sure how to share this but you’ve had my back along the way and helped me with Everest so I wanted to share this part of our journey over the past couple of weeks.

    On Nov 4th my dad who lives in Canada had a medical emergency and my son who graduated just days before and I knew we had to go by my parent’s side. My daughter still had exams to write so she stayed home with my husband. I had to figure out who could look after Everest and tend to his daily needs and care for him just as I would 🐑🐑

    Dr. Laura didn’t hesitate to help me out and have Everest board with her. We thought it would be good for her to see how he was doing first-hand and also help her write some notes to update the surgeon we were talking to. So off Everest and his wheelchair went.

    As I drove away his bleating 🐑 😭 was evident he was going to miss me, and wondered why I was not putting him back in the car with me as I had always done on our visits.

    What he couldn’t see was how sad I felt as my own tears rolled down my face as I waved goodbye I knew this would be a big change for him as he had only ever stayed at my girlfriend’s house for a few hours at a time.

    We landed in Edmonton and stayed by my dad’s side 24/7 for a week prior to his passing. The gift I received here was being here by my dad’s side, being able to have those moments with him, and as an only child supporting my mom through a very difficult and challenging time.

    My dad passed peacefully on Nov 10 with us by his side and just hours later that day I received devastating news about Everest. Dr Laura had taken some X-Rays of Everest to give them a better look at his progress. She had sent them off to a specialist to read and interpret and the news was not what anyone expected after what we had thought were his wee legs strengthening, we actually got to see how the abnormalities with his bones had actually fused together improperly, which no surgery could now help him with.

    We really had only one option for Everest and due to what they felt the severity of his pain level might have been. Dr Laura felt we couldn’t even wait until I got back home so that I could see and be with him for his last moments. 😭😭

    This was one of the biggest heartbreaking moments and decisions I had to make during an already stressful and sad time in my life. So a few days later my Husband and daughter went out to be with Everest and spent some time spoiling him and being by his side. 🐑🐑

    Everest had a chance! By stepping up and becoming his carer, he got to take his first steps that would’ve never happened. He had 4 months of Love, the best medical team, and sunshine on his face. He had a fur family that included our dog and 2 cats that loved playing with him, and they will miss him. Everest loved to watch the Guinea Pigs run around and loved his leg massages every night while watching TV. He got to travel, try out his new wheelchair, and eat most of my flowers, yummy treats, and Weetbix. Everest had a way of putting smiles on everyone’s face that met him. He also warmed the hearts of many strangers including you who reached out to financially support him and become part of his flock.

    Everest made a difference in my life and for that, I am blessed 🙏🏻 💫

    So, as I prepare to head back to Auckland, I am sad to know that Everest and his sweet baa’s and woolly hooves won’t be there to greet me and that will be yet another moment of grieving for me.

    What I do know is that Everest gave me the gift of unconditional love and showed me how the underdog can be so determined no matter what lemons life gives you and that having a positive support flock around you is vital to helping you reach goals that can so big they scare you and even when you have no idea of how you could accomplish them, you should always have a big vision. Sometimes the path put in front of you is not always straight or smooth and can be full of surprises but having faith and a strong belief in what you’re doing is all you need!

    So 🙏🏻Thank you for all your support and love over the past 4 months. It meant the world to Everest and me and I know for sure that there is Kindness in strangers that become friends along the way!

    🕊️🕊️Everest you didn’t get to run free in the field I dreamed of but I do pray you’re watching over all those who loved you. 🐑 🙏🏻

    Everest & Kimberly 🕊️🐑💫

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  • Everest - A GLIMMER OF HOPE 🐑💖

      22 October 2022
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    What a difference 48 hours can make!!!

    We’ve been given a glimmer of hope and a gift from strangers that have a love for animals and it all comes from their hearts.

    Today I share an update with you that I hope inspires you to do and be true to what makes your heart sing. 🎶🧡🎶💥

    In September Tanya was the one person who replied to me on what would have been a very late ⏰ Saturday evening. And today I want you all to know how blessed and grateful I am for what she's done for Everest🐑 and myself 🙏🏻

    She inspired me over our chat conversations as I told her Everest's story and said “if we can help Everest…we will 🙌🏻

    She opened the door 🚪 to Hope 💖 that was all I needed.

    I began searching for answers and options and dug deep into my heart knowing I needed to be his voice. I’ve opened many doors since then, I’ve learned so much about disability becoming opportunity, determination and EVEREST has taught me how to keep climbing 🧗‍♂️ mountains when I couldn’t see the path.

    Some doors have closed but the door with Tanya has always stayed open with her gracious offer to help provide Everest. It's her passion and group of volunteers who provides people with animals who have mobility issues all because they fundraise to help others. Tanya has provided Everest with a quad wheelchair ♿️ from her amazing non-profit group @joeyspawcharity and she works alongside Debbie and the amazing team at @walkinpets who make the animal wheelchairs and it's incredible what they make possible.

    Tanya had Debbie email me in September and when I reached back out to Debbie last week, she asked for some measurements and how big Everest is. I figured I still had lots of hoops and paperwork to go through and was waiting for her next 💌📫 email.

    On Thursday afternoon, I arrived home to a huge box 📦 that I didn’t know had been approved or that it was coming.

    Tanya and Debbie just made it happen - 💥💥💥

    We put it together, tried it once then went off to surprise our vet Dr. Laura and her team @thelifestylevet We hooked up Everest into his new wheels and asked her for her blessing. We needed to know that it indeed takes the pressure off his front legs to help him Motor around and it allows him to be free of bandages for the first time in 9 weeks 🗓🗓🗓🗓🗓🗓🗓🗓🗓

    The second best news 🗞 of the day is that Dr. Laura gave me a wee glimmer of hope and said that she feels like his left foot fetlock is looking like he's standing proper on his hooves and we foresee that with the Quad Wheelchair a few hours a day we'll be able to remove his bandages so that he’ll be able to start strengthening his muscles on both legs 🐑🙌🏻

    Dr. Laura said, “all I’ve ever given you in terms of diagnosis Everest is Lemons 🍋🍋🍋 but it looks like your making lemonade out of everything” 🎈🎊 YAAAA, I'll take that and I gave her the biggest hug ever!

    With all the challenges we’ve been given these last 10 weeks…

    I am taking these two wee WINS as a sign of hope ✨💫

    A sign that my vision for Everest to live his best life is the sight we will see as we continue to climb the mountains and find the right path - Sometimes the hardest mountain we climb is the one with ourselves but the gift is the view at the 🔝 - let’s go!!!

    To those who have 🎗🎗stood up to support Everest my deepest gratitude goes to you and this is your WIN 🏆 as well 🙏🏻💖

    You have no idea what your words📝 of inspiration, support, and donations have meant to me 🥰

    If...this gift 🎁 of the quad wheelchair ♿️ means we can work bit by bit to strengthen his legs and possibly only have to have surgery on one leg it becomes so much more doable it brings tears 😭 to my eyes to see the goalpost moved and a new path put before us. It also enables recovery to be achievable as well.

    I’m SOOOO VERY GRATEFUL for the blessings in disguise we’ve received 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    If you head over to Everest's Instagram Page which is @Everestthelamb I'd love it if you are able to take a moment to help me THANK Tanya and Debbie on behalf of Everest and myself and even check out their social media pages so you can see the amazing animals’ lives they continue to make a difference in 👇🏻🧡🧡

    💖💖 Thank you again to YOU! You are a beautiful part of Everest's Flock of Donors!

    We couldn't do this without you! 🙏🏻

    Everest and Kimberly 🐑 🧡🥰

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  • Everest's on Breakfast One NZTV

      29 September 2022
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    👋🏻 Hi there,

    It's been an amazing week with a call from TVNZ as they saw our Give-A-Little page and loved Everest's story. They asked if he could come into the studio this past Tuesday morning to share his story.

    To be honest I was a bit nervous having a live animal on TV as you know anything can happen. To my relief, he was just brilliant and so well behaved and quite enjoyed hanging out on the Breakfast Couch, you'll have to check out the REPLAY below.

    To those that have donated because of this interview we just wanted to THANK YOU for taking action to help Everest with his medical bills we also just love having you in our Flock and the more the merrier. We have now reached $3000 and this will go to the next direction our decisions lead us. To be completely transparent I want you to know I haven't touched any of the funds raised and I have personally spent close to $5000 from my own funds.

    The messages, kind words and encouragement has been so heartwarming I don't know how to show my gratitude for how your words have inspired me other than to say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU.

    Everest started his own Instagram page this week so we'd love it if you join us there to keep you in the loop and share some of his cheeky going's on as well. You can copy and paste this link into your browser to go directly to his IG page.

    or @EverestTheLamb is his page name

    I'm booked to speak with Derrick from Bionic Pets and of course Dr Laura from The LifeStyle Vet and Dr Stephanie Bonner from RedDog Rehab to see which is the best direction to go forward for Everest. We are also reaching out to a few others with other areas of expertise for Everest. I'm truly trying to leave no stone unturned for him.

    As you know the Xrays we did recently showed some bone abnormalities in his ELBOW joints in BOTH legs (what are the odds of that?) which is such a wee joint but it is the critical joint for his front legs and it's a bit of a tough call with him still growing as to what the best direction forward is.

    The hooves and elbows are both directly related to his walking challenges so it's not just about fixing one and not the other. The surgery that they suggested is of course thousands of dollars per leg and so it's not a cut and dry "let's do this" there are lots of "what if's" and time is critical for Everest as he grows and puts more weight and pressure on his legs. These upcoming discussions are to help find a way to keep Everest pain-free and look at the long term and what's best for his future.

    I'm very open and would welcome your thoughts, any experiences or expertise you might have to help Everest. As well, if you have any ideas or possible opportunities to help me fundraise for him. You can reach out here to me via my email or send me a Direct Message over on Instagram.

    I think this quote is quite fitting for Everet's situation.

    "We are all faced with a series of GREAT OPPORTUNITIES brilliantly disguised as IMPOSSIBLE SITUATIONS" -- Charles R. Swindell

    So pop on over and follow Everest on his Instagram Page and introduce yourself, I would love to hear from you.

    Watch the TV Interview and we'd love it if you could share that interview or his IG page with your family and friends as you're now part of his FLOCK and we love having your support.


    Everest & Kimberly 🐑🧡

    TV Interview:

    Everest's IG page: 👋🏻👋🏻

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  • Everest the Lamb Made the Local News🐑

      16 September 2022
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    Hi from Everest.

    It's been a heck of a week and Everest has made the news here locally. We had the Stuff NZ News find our Give a Little page and contact me for an interview, photos and video of Everest.

    Here is the link to that Article (copy and paste it into your web browser)

    We also had The Breeze Radio Station - Robert & Jeanette call for an interview and all of this (I don't currently have this link as of yet)

    I've also done a video update as it's been a full-on week with some curveballs about Everest's Elbows having some abnormalities which then also is the cause of his fetlock issues.

    The Vet has talked with me about some really expensive surgery, and the other option is horrible news. So with that, I have done plenty of homework, and research and have reached out to others with animals in similar situations and the stories and some referrals to different experts in many capacities from everything to specialty rehab, Braces, and Wheelchairs the conversations have been incredible. I can't thank these people enough for taking my messages and calls. We have even had a company in the US offer to help us with a specialty mobility chair through their partnership and I am just trying to ensure we do or choose what's right for Everest before jumping to take them up. As he is growing and all stages need to be considered on his journey. And with that, he has been doing well eating as he's hit 6.1Kf which is exciting, he's still much smaller than he should be but his attitude and spirit are bigger than you can imagine.

    Everest has a number of incredible people trying to figure out options that might be somewhere in between of which the goal is to keep Everest pain-free with the ability to have a beautiful life in the green pastures.

    I didn't realize how perfectly fitting his name would be and how it's taught me to dig deep to look beyond the box for answers.

    My prayers would be that something comes from this research soon and that the funds being raised will help with his options.

    So I wanted to Thank you again, your participation in Helping Everest is greatly appreciated and I would love it if you could share his story with your friends, either on Social Media or via word of mouth.

    For those of you who don't know me personally you are welcome to follow Everest on either Instagram @55Adventures or under Kimberly Schick-Puddicombe on FB I'd love you to pop us a note over there.

    Much Love and Aroha

    Everest & Kimberly 🐑 🧡

    PS: I had written this update on Saturday prior to him having a medical emergency on Saturday late afternoon with what we believe to be BLOAT. So I've added that into the video. He's now home, back to his cheeky little self although he's NOT loving the extra medication via injections 2X a day and he's at least had that immunity boost that helped him with this emergency.

    This photo is of Everest and our Dog Koloa enjoying the Saturday sunshine prior to his emergency.

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  • Everest - Plasma Transfusion was Successful.

      3 September 2022
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    We just wanted to first Thank you again and let you know that yesterday was a big day for Everest. He received his Plasma Transfusion which will help boost his immunity up to normal levels within 7-10 days. That's exciting as now we can start to feel confident even if he gets an infection or sepsis that he has a fighting chance to survive.

    Being a wee lamb he actually got to share the bag of plasma with another lamb (Kevin Sparkles) who does have an infection and it was also interesting to see the size and growth difference between Everest and Kevin who is just 5 days old and bigger and more advanced than Everest at just over 3 weeks.

    Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy the waggle tail video.

    I'll also put some more photos on FB of the two lambs as it only allows me to share one here at a time.

    Everest & Kimberly

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