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Please help Gaye have more time

  • Herceptin funding update

      2 November 2020

    Gaye, Nigel, Renee, Hannah, Roxanne and families would like to thank you all for the love and generous gifting that you have given us. We are truly humbled by the beautiful kindness you have shown Gaye and we are so thankful to you all. The monies donated will cover the Herceptin treatment to date.

    Gaye's oncologist has worked tirelessly for months advocating on her behalf for funding for the drug from Pharmac, this was subsequently declined.

    The oncologist then went direct to Roche (the company that makes the drug) as rarely they have provided the drug on compassionate grounds for special cases. It was unknown how long this process would take and if it would be successful.

    We received some wonderful news this week from the Oncologist - Roche has agreed to supply the drug to Gaye at no cost. The oncologist also got agreement from the DHB to administer it! Which is amazing as we were advised that the administration would need to done privately due to the drug not being funded by Pharmac.

    We are totally over the moon about this amazing news as the stress of having to find the money every 3 weeks was taking its toll on Gaye and the family. Any monies left in balance Gaye would like to donate to a cancer charity (yet to be decided)

    Once again we all wish to thank you for your love and support - you are truly beautiful people xx

    Gaye and family.

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    • 03/11/2020 by Lynda Burch

      Fantastic news Gaye. Best wishes and sending lots of positive Aroha your way. Lots of love Lynda and Martin Burch