Help and Support Family & Friends
Tutira, Hawke's Bay
Please help Kalin Chrystal’s family in Tutira tragedy:
As reported in The NZHerald, Kalin Chrystal’s father, Bill Chrystal, dug for several hours in the dark through four metres of mud trying to save his partner, Shona Wilson, after a slip crashed through their Tutira home early on Tuesday morning.
Shona, a mother of three teenagers, did not survive. She is the first confirmed fatality in Hawke’s Bay.
Cyclone Gabrielle has devasted this family and if you are able to give a little it would be so appreciated.
Kia Kaha to all the Chrystal Family – we love you and are standing with you all the way.
All donations are made directly to Kalin Chrystal.
A big thank you for your support.
Kind regards,
Joanne Crawford
Family and very dear friends.
Funeral Expenses
Travel Expenses
Restoring the house back into living conditions.
Thank you & change in the payee 9 May 2023
A big thanks to all the many donors for their kindness in helping and supporting Kalin, and his family who have suffered traumatically after being severely hit by Cyclone Gabrielle in February 2023.
Three months have passed by and not only the grief of losing a loved one is hard to bare, the earthly devastation still takes its toll.
So much work has had to be done and the family are forever grateful for the kind donations you have given to help them through this devastating and trialling time.
We all wish, you kind-hearted people the very best for you and your families, and your future ahead.
Givealittle will now be paying the funds raised to a verified bank account of Joanne Crawford, on behalf of Kalin Chrystal.
Thank you all, so much.