Please Help little Zoey

$9,846 donated
Given by 136 generous donors in one year

Help us build Zoey a safe warm home and support her through the tough times ahead


Our family were given the heart wrenching news that no parents or loved ones want to hear, Zoey has been diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 3. SMA is a Neuromuscular condition all forms continue to deteriorate as the disease progresses. Her little body will stop sending messages to her muscles and continue to decline. This will result in her only getting weaker and sadly she will lose her ability to walk, dance and much more.

Specialists have told her parents because she lives in NZ with no access to treatments Zoey will end up in a wheelchair, they are scared, angry and feeling all the emotions you would expect from any parent facing this heartbreaking news about their baby girl. Zoey is only two, she is a happy bubbly young girl who loves dancing Zoey is already showing rapid signs of muscle weakness! This is devastating to watch as her ability to do all those things she's loves to do decrease

They live in a 1 bedroom sleepout last winter Zoey got sick multiple times resulting in breathing difficulties needing hospital attention, oxygen, prendisolone and inhalers. Respiratory health is crucial for those with SMA as their immune system is weak they are at high risk of pneumonia and they cannot regulate their own body temperature.

Our family are desperate to build a small fully insulated home at the back of my parents property so they can be close to family for support and to keep her healthy, safe, warm and has space to navigate her wheelchair in the future.

Cindy Harrison's involvement (page creator)

My name is Cindy and I am writing this page on behalf of my beautiful niece Zoey, Brother and Sister Inlaw

Use of funds

Funds will go towards the house, heat pumps and any furniture suitable for her needs. Any additional funds will be spent on private therapy like swimming and any other activities that will help keep her strong and thriving through this challenging time.

Latest update

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House progress 2   13 December 2022

Posted by: Christopher Butcher

External is all complete except for the ramp and deck :) thank you all for your help getting us to this point it wouldn't have been possible without you ❤ we are so eternally grateful

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Dec 2022
Danni on 03 Oct 2022    Zoey needs our help
Tiktok gifts thank you so much to you all !!!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Oct 2022
saten on 01 Oct 2022
Timothy on 30 Sep 2022    Zoey needs our help

Who's involved?

Cindy Harrison's avatar
Created by Cindy Harrison
Christopher Butcher's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Christopher Butcher
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This campaign started on 8 Apr 2022 and ended on 8 Apr 2023.