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Please Help Māhina Grace Ngāpō Heal from Breast Cancer


      17 December 2024
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    I finally got back in the water on Saturday.

    It was a relief after a really big week moving house, and then travelling to post op appointments every day.

    My range of motion is really limited on my left side and there was a split second where I realised I couldn't swim and could drown! But luckily calm prevailed and I went on to realise I could still side stroke on my left side .

    Recovery is a big process of acceptance for what is .

    Also processing results from surgery that revealed despite three months of neo-adjvunct treatment there was still cancer in five out of the six lymph nodes they removed and cancer scattered throughout my left breast.

    I'm awaiting an appointment with my oncologist mid Jan to explore "palliative" drug options .

    I do not let medical terms define me and I am open to a miracle.

    I am also making the most of every day .

    I need to keep raising funds for DNA testing , Rehab, alternative therapies, and unfunded drugs and scans. Just the DNA test itself will cost close to 10 000 dollars .

    If any of you have time to write a little something and share this page to help get it out there I would be very grateful . Every dollar truly makes a difference !

    Wishing you all a beautiful day and a peaceful moment in the sun xxxxxxx

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  • Thank You xx

      5 December 2024
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    Thank you for all the loving messages I have beren recieving....

    I may not have physically replied but they really mean a lot and have helped me immensely over the past week .

    Post-surgery come down is a real thing and there have been some really hard days and nights , lots of tears shed and the facing of many fears in regards to the journey ahead .

    BUT beneath all the emotions I am allowing to freely flow I feel a deep foundation of strength and faith.

    Feeling very grateful to Andre for being such a beautiful man who supports me so unconditionally through this massive journey -tirelessly tending to and carrying the needs of our whole whānau.

    I am blessed on many levels .

    Thank you all for your support.

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  • Surgery Recovery

      30 November 2024
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    Kia Ora Koutou -

    I am doing really well post op . Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers 🙏🏾

    Still a long road to travel but I am feeling surrounded by love and deep peace and feel really grateful for my life.

    Just got the all clear to go home today !..Bit nervous about managing drains and pain but will be so good to be home with my beautiful husband and son and to breath in the trees and the sunshine Xxx

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  • Surgery Tomorrow

      28 November 2024

    Thank you so much for all the love and support.

    I want to reply to you each individually and I will eventually ..

    But I just got the call that I need to be at Lower Hutt hospital by 7.45 am tomorrow - so I need to get organised and in to bed earlyish!

    I think I'll be in theatre at about 9 or 10 am and should be finished by 1pm .

    I'll get Andre to put a little update of how Im going over the weekend until I'm up to typing at the computer again.

    Love and blessings to you all and may all you have shared with me come back to you one hundred fold xxxxx

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