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Please help me and my family - I never thought that I would be in a position that I would have to ask for help but I am

  • Lee's update

      29 April 2024
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    Hi Everyone,

    Just a little update to let you know how life is going for Lee and us as a family :)

    We had another minor setback over the holidays as we all got covid, this was particularly difficult for Lee as at first we thought he had relapsed to pre procedure state, but his specialist thought it sounded like Covid and reassured us she had seen covid do this to other patients before and not to worry.

    Lee is just dealing with the tail end of covid, but is back up and about again and yesterday took the kiddies out on his own for the first time in a very very very long time for an icecream, photo attached :)

    He is starting all his therapies this week (accupuncture, hydrotherapy, physio and gym work under a pain physio).

    Thank you all again for your incredible generousity, it looks like our life is finally starting to get on track and we just wanted to express once again our gratitude for all of you.

    Huge love,

    The Jamieson Family xxxxx

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  • Recovery day 1

      5 April 2024

    Yesterday Lee went in to Greenlane to have his procedure.

    His amazing specialist went out of her way to make time for him at the end of the day, when all of the front office staff had gone home. An hour and a half later the procedure was complete. The specialists first words were "Yay, no major back surgery". (which we didn't even know was on the cards if it didn't work!).

    This morning Lee walked into the kitchen and hugged our kiddos. I will never forget the glimmer in their eyes looking at their Daddy, their Daddy is back.

    We don't know what the future holds, and Lee is still very sore post surgery... but Lee has allot of work to do to try and get back the 10+kg of muscle he has lost over the last 9 months, and will need allot of therapies. But he will do it, and we are all soooooo positive now for the future.

    This would not have been possible without all of you, thank you so very very much.

    Huge Love,

    The Jamiesons

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  • Just a quick update

      31 March 2024

    Just a quick update for all of you beautiful people. Lee's procedure has been booked for next week - this was only made possible because of all of you and your generousity and love.

    So now we pray that Thursday will be the start of the next positive chapter of our lives.

    Huge love,

    Shiona, Lee, Poppy, Frankie and Archie xoxoxox

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  • From the bottom of our very full hearts, thank you

      21 March 2024

    Words just cannot express the overwhelming feelings, and the outpour of love, kindness, care, understanding, generousity and selflessness we have received over the last few days, after battling for so long in survival as a family. Despite being in isolation for the last 9 months, Lee has never felt less alone and full of love than this last few days.

    We had the most beautiful moment yesterday when we told our children that Daddy will be able to play with them again soon, so many tears released but so much love and joy.

    We feel like we can see the light coming, finally.

    We love you all.

    Shiona, Lee, Poppy, Frankie and Archie xxxx

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