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Please help me cover Zepha's extensive vet bill at a vulnerable time so I can bring him home

  • Thank you thank you thank you!

      13 August 2024
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    I am delighted to share that between this give a little account and personal donations enough money has been raised to pay off this vet bill. It has been a stressful time with my low income, missing my family in uk and a dear friend who is seriously ill with cancer all happening at the same time as Zephas life threatening situation.

    So thank you all for your financial support.

    Some of you have given even when you don’t have much yourselves and you inspire me and make my heart feel so full.

    Zepha is finally starting to eat better and becoming more playful. Seems to be returning to his mischievous self which is such a relief.

    Still struggling to get him to eat the food the vet recommends and I’m researching blocked bladder natural diet to see if I can find the best food for him. He is eating the biscuits that the vet gave me but won’t touch the soft food so I’m looking into alternatives that he will eat.

    I’d also like to share that I have managed to secure two days a week at our local organic health food shop working in the new cafe. Being self employed is tough at times and it is a huge relief to have regular income coming in again in a pleasant environment.

    Much love,

    Velvet (and Zepha and Xena)

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  • Zeta is home!

      30 July 2024
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    I was able to bring Zepha home yesterday. The vet is happy with his progress. He is a little on edge and unsettled but very happy to be home. He isn’t eating much so am keeping an eye on him. Here he is sleeping between my legs! He is wanting lots of affection and wants to be close to me.

    It’s been a stressful week and I am so appreciative to all the donations. It means the world to me. The final bill has come to $1142.95.

    My flatmate has kindly let me delay my rent so I could pay the initial deposit of $400

    Donations adding up to half way there! What a week. Thank you for being here with me. Your support has lifted my spirits no end. Please share to help spread the word!!

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  • Day 3 Zepha still in hospital

      27 July 2024
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    I just spoke with the vet and Zepha is doing better. He managed to pull two catheter’s out but finally kept one in all night and his urine is looking much better. Once they are happy his urine is healthy he needs to have it removed and prove he can pee for himself over at least 24 hours. Still hopeful I can bring him home on Monday. Thank you so much for the donations so far. Feeling humbled and supported. Still got some ways to go…

    Picture from a couple of months ago. We cant wait to have him back… Xena my other cat is looking for him

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