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Please help me pay my tuition costs so I can give more to the community

  • A Little Update

      29 September 2024

    It's all about to begin! My course starts in earnest on Monday - so exciting. Thank you all again so much for your support.

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      25 May 2024
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    I finally received the email from the University of Southampton that I’ve been eagerly awaiting all month. I GOT THE SCHOLARSHIP!!!!!!

    This is what the message said:

    We are delighted to inform you that the University of Southampton has selected you to receive the  Arts and Humanities Deans Global Talent Scholarship.

    Your Scholarship is equivalent to the amount of a £10,000 fee discount for first year of postgraduate study.


    Thank you all so much for your contributions so far. Now we are even closer to the goal.

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  • My composition application submissions

      20 March 2024
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    I am so grateful that your generous contributions have helped me to pay almost half of the deposit for my course (which was GP£2000 or NZ$4,200). Thank you so much.

    I have currently been busily researching existing charities that utilise the power of music to impact mental health outcomes. I am looking forward to getting involved in some of those with a view to eventually setting up my own. Stay tuned for more on this.

    As promised, here come some of the links to my composition application submissions.

    The entry requirements for the course are a 2:1 degree in music or related subject.

    For the Composition pathway, the applicant needs to submit a portfolio of 2 to 4 compositions totalling 15 to 20 minutes of music, showing their range and compositional techniques.

    Here are the links to the compositions I submitted:

    ASCENSION Audio:

    Sheet music:


    Sheet Music:

    A HOUSE IN TAOS Audio:

    Sheet Music:

    DON'T HIDE Audio:

    Sheet Music:

    Photo credit Esat F. Orak.

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  • A little bit of background

      17 March 2024

    Join me on this uphill walk in the New Zealand bush (woods) as I breathlessly give you a little bit of background behind my application to study for my Masters in Music at the University of Southampton.

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  • The "Why"

      4 March 2024

    Throughout my musical journey, I've witnessed the profound healing power of music. After my husband's suicide, music propelled me to undertake projects that helped both myself and others heal from trauma. Now, I'm driven to pursue learning and research that explores the potential of music for healing, community connection, and rehabilitation.

    I will bring practical experience, a deep appreciation for music's transformative power, and a hunger to explore new horizons in this MMus in composition. Southampton University's reputation as a research-led institution makes it the ideal setting for my studies. Collaborating with world-leading experts in their respective fields is an exciting prospect. I am eager to delve into enriching my musical expertise in an environment that encourages innovation, creativity, and artistic excellence.

    Completing this Master’s is a crucial step to me working within a faculty where I can lead or be part of research that develops an understanding of using participation in music as an intervention for mental health and rehabilitation.

    Here is a video of me singing an excerpt of an original song live at a festival.

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  • I sing for love

      27 February 2024
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    With all my heart I want to thank each one of you who has so generously contributed to this fundraiser. It's interesting to me as I am someone who has organised fundraisers for causes I am passionate about, but when it comes to one in which I am the beneficiary, there is a discomfort in me. It feels so vulnerable, even though I am passionate about this too. Thank you for believing in me the way you do. I receive your love and feel strengthened by it.

    For those who don't know, I have also organised a singing workshop for everyone who has donated on this page. You are all invited and I would love to sing with you!

    Details of the event can be found here:

    I sing for love, I sing for me.

    I shout it out like a bird set free.

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      14 February 2024

    I’m grateful to each one of you for your support.

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  • I decided to set a specific goal of NZ$33333

      5 February 2024

    The number 3 has some mystique to it and shows up a lot in folktales (three wishes, three little pigs, three bears, three billy goats gruff). I've heard said that it's associated with self-achievement, creativity, self-expression, and completion. It feels apt for this endeavour, and as a word nerd there's something satisfying about that quintuplet of numerals.

    For those with the time, I am including a link to a video of a beautiful piano piece for your enjoyment.

    I appreciate you.

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