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Please help our darling four year old James with Autism reach his full potential

  • Thank you for supporting James Bobby!

      18 May 2019

    To everyone who supported us with James Bobby.

    We were totally overwhelmed by the generosity of friends, family and others. Our appreciation for your donation was strongly felt, understanding that people were giving their hard earned money to support our dear little boy. From last August until April James had a two hour ABA therapy session four days a week. By the end of the term we were so happy to see a change in him. James had started to make more eye contact, which so many people commented on, and he is now responding to his name been called and is using his finger to point when looking at a book. He is also using the toilet with help and is mostly not wearing nappies. During this busy time we also received the great news that James could attend a specialist school in our area, funded by the Government. On top of this we are now receiving 10 hours of career support each week. Having a helping hand when going to social events and before and after school has helped immensely, James has a wonderful time with his careers (young teenagers) and we are able to interacted more with other adults and give Millie our seven year old more of our attention. Because of the change in our circumstances we are now closing the give a little page we created. But we would like to let you know that your donation meant so much to us, helping us through a very concerning time with James when there was no support available. You made it possible for us to insure we were doing all we possibly could for our darling little boy, and you helped us to create the pathways for him to be ready for school so he could participate with the other children in learning. At his school there is a unit for children who are not ready to be in the learning area and James was able to skip that part. He is in a lovely little class with 5 other children and he is a very happy little boy. James is making us proud every day and we look forward to sharing his successes with you in the future.

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