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Please help save my Dad

  • Update #3 - Good news!!

      24 June 2024

    Dad had his appointment with the specialist at Canopy Care and we have had the results from the first cycle of Daratumumab and it is showing a great response so we will definitely be carry on with it for as long as we possibly can.

    Thank you for all your support so far it means the world.

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  • Update #2

      9 June 2024

    Hi all

    Dad had his first injection of Daratumamab on 22nd of May and has now had a total of 3 injections and we should find out if it is working in the coming weeks.

    He has spent quite a bit of time in and out of hospital struggling to keep his HB and platelet levels up as well so he has needed quite a few blood transfusions. He has also been admitted again over the last couple days with pneumonia.

    We we able to fund the first month thanks to the donations received thus far.

    The pain has been getting pretty bad so he had to spend a couple nights at hospice trying to sort out the right medication to get the pain under control.

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  • Update #1

      7 May 2024

    We would like to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for the donations we have received so far, we are absolutely blown away by the generosity and love shown to us. We have been in contact with the specialist down in Auckland and it’s looking like we will have a date to start treatment within the next couple of weeks.

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