We are nearly there
11 June 2024Harleys PCV is now normal. Phew.
We are on the last of the meds and slowly weaning her off them.
One to go. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will be done.
She has lost the toes on her back foot, but small price to pay really.
Around home she goes without a bootie to try and toughen up the skin.
When we go out, I put on a waterproof bootie of some description. Some dont stay on very well.
She is back chasing a ball and fighting with her pal Rocky who has assumed the Alpha position (so he thinks) because she was sick. She will soon have him back as a subordinate.
I have kept my promise of chicken every day - but did get her approval for the occasional mince when I had no chicken.
All in all I think this was a WIN.
Thank you so much everyone for your support.