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Please help Sonya fight her Cancer for her family – drug treatment

  • Page closing

      15 August 2024

    Hi all - with Sonya's passing earlier this month, we will close the page. Thank you so much for each and every dollar donated to support Sonya's treatment.

    We will all miss Sonya, but are thankful we had her in our lives.

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  • A sad update

      5 August 2024

    I'm sad to share that Sonya died on Friday.

    Thank you to all for your help - Sonya's treatment enabled her to spend precious extra months with her family, building memories and being well enough to have quality time with them. Sonya regularly expressed her thanks for people's generosity.

    Every bit of support made a huge difference, and we thank you all for your help.

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  • July update

      29 July 2024
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    During recent events in the last few weeks Sonya has suffered from acute migraines resulting in multiple hospital visits and a couple of ambulance rides. The most recent resulted in some significant seizures which has now required her to be placed in palliative hospice care. Even this development has not stopped Sonya continuing her fight. The strongest and most courageous person anyone could have the privilege to know!

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    • 29/07/2024 by sherrie

      Sending loads of love and hugs cuz xx see you again soon 😘 💖. Absolutely the strongest person I know too 😘 💖 ❤️

  • Update 19/6/24

      19 June 2024

    Another ED visit last Wednesday due to pain in my back and headaches. Was admitted and had a full round of scans. The results from this have shown more bone metastases have developed in my spine. Next step is localised radiation to my back, hopefully this will help with the pain. Nathan has his shoulder operation tomorrow, and if all goes well, he will have around six weeks recovery time. Once again thank you for all your support and generosity, it is very much appreciated!

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  • Progress report for May

      19 May 2024

    Latest scan has shown some positive results, with reduction in the tumour sizes in lungs and liver. Now to get the balance right between chemo and the side effects. I have severe Hand and Foot syndrome which I am still dealing with. Nathan and I recently went to Te Anau and Fiordland and enjoyed having some quality time together. Nathan goes for surgery on his shoulder at the end of the month.

    Once again thank you for all your support and donations, it is much appreciated!

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  • Message from Sonya and Nathan

      10 April 2024

    Nathan and I would like to thank everybody who has made comments, liked, shared, donated and has supported us on our journey from the bottom of our hearts, we are extremely grateful. It means the world to us.

    It is very humbling to know how much people care for others in this way. Times are tough for everyone, so we appreciate it.

    Unfortunately, I have recently had issues and have had to put the Sacituzumab Govitecan on hold. In the meantime, I have switched to another chemo treatment at Mercy Hospital.

    I have come so far but still have a long road ahead. Now it is time to see if this one does what is meant to do.

    The new chemo I have started has its ups and down with side effects, but I am staying positive. Overall, I am doing really well.

    Nathan has had a recent review of his shoulder and now is waiting on a date for surgery.

    Once again thank you for all your support and donations, it is much appreciated!

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  • A thanks from Sonya

      14 March 2024

    I caught up with Sonya yesterday, and she really wanted to express her thanks for everyone's help and support. It means a lot to her and her family to know people are helping from all over.

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  • Making great progress

      11 March 2024

    Hi everyone, thank you all so much for helping our lovely Sonya with her cancer treatment. You've all been incredibly generous. Sonya's treatments continue and it has been great that we've been able to help with costs. Please continue to share the Givealittle and hopefully we can continue to help.

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  • Autumn update

      3 March 2024

    Hi all - just a thanks to all who have contributed so far, we're making good progress towards helping Sonya with some funds towards her medication costs. Please keep sharing the page far and wide and more lovely people will be able to assist.

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  • Briefly, what will the money be spent on?

      22 February 2024
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    We are a very independent family, and we never ask for help, so this is hard for us to accept this situation we are faced with.

    Further treatment and support for Sonya's family

    Costs $30,000 per cycle with no cap – 3 months is around $130,000.

    Husband still working to support family and pay for chemo with a broken shoulder and living on painkillers every day.

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  • Extra family info

      22 February 2024
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    Some extra detail that wouldn't fit on the main description:

    Just to add to the challenges of Sonya's life, her husband broke his collarbone 12 months ago January 4 th 2023 and got a bone infection after surgery to plate it. Twelve months later it has not bonded and is still broken (non-union). He is faced with more surgery including bone grafting from his femur. He will have a recovery period of around nine months with no guarantee of success.

    All the while we are supporting our two sons through the challenges of our daily life. I want to keep fighting and beating this cancer to see my sons and family grow older and make precious memories.

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