Jazmin's mum Barbara has had to give up her job to provide 24/7 care for Jaz and the baby while Jaz fights to recover in hospital.
Jazmin was a healthy young 25 year old woman, loving life & living it to the fullest. She had an energetic bubbly personality and everyone who met her liked her, wherever she went she made a lot of friends.
At the age of 13 Jazmin was diagnosed with fluid in her cerebellum and since then she has been in & out of hospital requiring multiple surgeries. This has resulted in Jazmin being diagnosed with a condition called Hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus is a condition in which fluid accumulates in the brain. To control the flow of the fluid Jazmin has had a shunt embedded in her brain. Unfortunately, rather than this being a success, Jazmin has had to go back and forth to hospital due to shunt failure.
Last August, while in hospital for yet another shunt failure, Jazmin found out she was pregnant, due at the end of March 2020. This was exciting news and Jazmin was discharged.
Her life changed after New Years’ 2020. Jazmin was admitted to hospital once again because of complications. While there Jazmin deteriorated and her health declined to the point where over time she has lost the ability to walk and talk and no one knows why. Because Jazmin was pregnant & her health was in obvious decline, the decision was made to deliver her baby at 33 weeks by caesarean. With baby out they now can concentrate on how to get Jazmin better. Family are staying with her around the clock, trying to help the wonderful nurses with her care, and to make sure she is getting to see her baby as much as possible.
Neurologists & Neurosurgeons have ordered blood tests, lumbar punctures, EEGs and MRI's to find the cause of Jaz's downward decline with tests showing nothing, they are stumped as to the prognosis. Her mind is still active & she understands what people are saying but she cannot communicate other than through a minor thumbs up or down. Jazmin is now fully dependent on others to bathe her and she is fed through a tube. She needs 24/7 care. Because of this, her mum Barbara has had to resign from her job, to be there for her & the baby who is in NICU. Family have been incredibly supportive by having roster shifts to help care for her. At this time baby is doing well and is brought to his mother for short intervals of skin on skin contact. While Jazmin is aware of what is happening she cannot communicate or cuddle her own baby. This is heartbreaking to watch.
Another surgery is likely while we wait for test results.
For those who are lucky enough to know Jaz, this is a dramatic change from her normal bubbly, funny, vibrant personality.
Any donations will go towards Jazmin's care, recovery and the baby.
Jaz is a vibrant friend and work colleague
To cover travel costs, rent payments, food, utility bills, nappies and food for baby and to help care for Jazmin while in hospital and go towards raising her baby while she is in hospital.
Update on Jazmin - From the Family 8 March 2020
Last Tuesday Jazmin had more surgery, this time she had Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy (ETV) operation. It involves drilling a hole at the top of her skull to put a microscope in to make another entry for fluid to drain without using the shunt. This has a 70% success rate, only time will tell if it has been a success or not.
Now her shunt has been turned off, and she has had to rely on the EVD which is an external drain on the outside of her head to release the fluid. If this operation does not work the Neurosurgeons will need to revise the shunt again.
Her mobility to walk has improved with aid to about 60% and her speech is a 7/10. She is able to feed herself, but everything is slow. We are hoping in time it may get better.
Family are still by her side 24/7 to help her where possible. She still needs help to hold baby Theo and to breastfeed. Theo is brought down to her everyday, so she can have contact with him which she loves. Theo is a blessing and he is now off the feeding tube but needs his mum to get better for him.
Jaz still has a long road of recovery ahead of her - please continue to share her story
Thank you Louise for your support x
Thank you Jess for the support x