Please help to save life of our dearest son .

$27,420 of $31,000 goal
Given by 597 generous donors in around 6 months

To raise funds for brain surgery in Germany.


Dear friends,

We are again in desperate need of your help! My son Maksim has already undergone two brain surgeries for the removal of cancerous tumors

After the second surgery at clinic Rechts der tsar in Munich Germany ( which we would not have been able to do without your help and for which we are eternally grateful), Maksim was back home and for almost a year and a half, he didn't have any symptoms from his primary illness. My son was getting routine MRI tests and the scans were clean. He started thinking about resuming his studies, became more active physically and was reading a lot about physics and space. We were happy and full of hope! However, his latest scan on 18 /02 has revealed a tiny small speck of growing malignant tumor. The irony is that the local neurosurgeons in New Zealand, yet again, missed this spot, but it was noticed by the doctors in Germany - the same ones who performed successful full-resection surgery on Maksim in Munich!

It is urgent for Maksim to undergo another surgery to remove the small spot of the growing tumor before it spreads and becomes inoperable. The neurosurgeon from Munich says that Max has excellent chances to live years and years as long as this tumor is removed and Maxim undergoes another surgery - a much "easier" version of what he had in September of 2017. The surgery needs to be done by Prof.Dr.Bernhard Meyer, the doctor who saved my son's life a year and a half ago by completely  removing a very large tumor.

We implore you to please help raise money for this surgery and extend the life of our son, grandson, brother and friend . He is only 24, he has so many plans and things to accomplish, to bring love, good and happiness to others.

The surgery is scheduled for April 1, 2019.

Our time is running out.

Please help us! It is a lot to ask, but if 300 people give up one evening meal at a restaurant, we will have enough money to save Maxim's life!

Thank you to all of you. Thank you very much.

Oksana Pankova's involvement (page creator)

my son

Use of funds

For brain surgery in Munich for our son

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Latest donations

Nataliya Pavlenko
Nataliya Pavlenko on 08 Aug 2019
Максим, выздоравливай. Пусть Сам Бог исцелит тебя, обильно благословит и ведет дальше по жизни. У Него еще много планов для тебя :)
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 12 Jul 2019
Nataliya Pavlenko
Nataliya Pavlenko on 08 Jul 2019
Максим, выздоравливай. Пусть Сам Бог исцелит тебя, обильно благословит и ведет дальше по жизни. У Него еще много планов для тебя :)
Nataliya Pavlenko
Nataliya Pavlenko on 08 Jun 2019
Максим, выздоравливай. Пусть Сам Бог исцелит тебя, обильно благословит и ведет дальше по жизни. У Него еще много планов для тебя :)
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 May 2019

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Oksana Pankova's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Oksana Pankova on behalf of My son Maksim Gurinov
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This campaign started on 3 Mar 2019 and ended on 4 Sep 2019.