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Please help us be able to sit by isaaks side

  • Thank you all so so much

      12 August 2018

    I’d like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the kind words and donations, isaaks recovery is one day at a time , but every day we make a little bit of progress. It’s been 8 days since his accident and we are now in a ward on a slow road to recovery . God bless 💙

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  • Isaaks updates

      8 August 2018

    Isaak is still in hdu , awaiting surgery on his left leg , we are hoping he will be strong enough soon to have it operated on, we as a family are truly so greatful to all our friends , family and others for all there love and support. Every hour , every day Isaak is getting stronger ,praise the lord Isaak does not have a major brain injury after fracturing his skull. God Bless you all ❤️

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  • Out of icu 😁

      7 August 2018

    Isaak has woken up and we are so relieved to be out of the woods , he is now in hdu awaiting surgery on his leg

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