Please help us get Naomi to Florida!

$10,675 of $8,500 goal
Given by 67 generous donors in around 5 months

Helping Naomi achieve her World Championship dream.

Christchurch, Canterbury

Naomi is a 10 year old from Christchurch who has been chosen to represent Aotearoa, New Zealand in the Cheerleading World Championships being held in Florida, America in April 2023.

Naomi has been involved with All Star Pride Cheerleading for 4 years now.

She has competed in numerous competitions around New Zealand and trains over 12 hours a week with the three teams she is involved in.

Despite having an Autism and Anxiety diagnosis, Naomi continues to give her all to this sport and one day hopes to qualify for the Olympic team in 2028, representing New Zealand.

Though her mother does all she can to ensure Naomi is able to compete Nationally, its no secret that financially times are trying for everyone currently and with such short notice to the Championship, finding the funds to meet the requirements of this trip is proving hard on her as a sole parent.

Bronwyn, Naomi’s mother is currently saving for the deposit for the flights that is required by mid October - and Naomi will contribute via fundraising with the ideas of selling home made scrunchies, a bake sale and a school mufti day.

As a friend of Bronwyns and support worker to the whānau, I have made this Givealittle to try and assist getting this beautiful girl to a once and a lifetime opportunity by hopefully raising some funds to contribute to the cost of this trip.

Any amount you find in your heart to donate to this opportunity would be greatly appreciated.

Bronwyn King's involvement (page creator)

I am a family friend and respite support worker for Naomi.

Use of funds

- Representative training and competition uniform for the New Zealand team.

- Flights.

- Accommodation.

- Other costs associated with International travel.

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Page Closed  8 March 2023

We are no longer going on the trip unfortunately and no further donations are needed, thank you all so much.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Dec 2022
Private Donor
Private Donor on 28 Nov 2022
Families of St Martins School - Sausage Sizzle
Bronwyn on 27 Nov 2022
Tamara on 08 Nov 2022
So proud of you babe 🫶
Sarah on 02 Nov 2022

Who's involved?

Bronwyn King's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Bronwyn King on behalf of Naomi King
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This campaign started on 2 Oct 2022 and ended on 8 Mar 2023.