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Please help us support Leonard Bagley and his beautiful young children

on 8 Jan 2019

Stuart asks

Hi Natalie.

Thank you so much for answering

my questions.

Thank you yes please let me know if

a plaque is laid.

I sincerely hope that Leonard’s recovery

is progressing well.

Once again thank you so much Natalie.

This question has not been answered yet.

on 22 Dec 2018

Stuart asks

Hi Natalie.

I would like to leave flowers and show my respect to Emma at her final resting place.

Is this possible ? and if so where is her final resting place ?



Hi Stuart, so sorry for the delay in answering. That is a really kind thought thank you. Emma's ashes are with her family so no resting place to place flowers at just yet, however I can let you know if a plaque is laid at some stage. Thanks so much for your kind thoughts and support.

Natalie Keenan

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