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Please help with funeral arrangements and childcare for the sudden death of a much loved Mother

$2,365 donated
Given by 43 generous donors in around 6 months

Please help fundraise for a much loved mother taken suddenly

Christchurch, Canterbury

Tina was a much loved wife of Donald and Mum to Celene, Kaiden and Peythen. Taken suddenly on the 13th of November 2023 the day before Kaidens birthday.

I know it’s a tough time out there for everyone especially leading up to Christmas, but I ask for your help to ease the pain for Donald and his kids at this very difficult time. Even $5 from everyone would make such a huge help as Donald is reliant on his wage to support his family. We will support him for as long as it takes to get him back on his feet as he has been an extremely hard worker and is an asset to my company.

Please share with your friends and family.

Bryan Williams' involvement (page creator)

Employer of Donald

Use of funds

Funeral arrangements, ongoing family support

Latest donations

Liana on 07 Dec 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Nov 2023
CS on 24 Nov 2023
Very sorry to hear the sad news. My thoughts are with you in these difficult times dear Celene, Peythen and Kaiden!
Glenda on 21 Nov 2023
Glenda on 20 Nov 2023

Who's involved?

Bryan Williams's avatar
Created by Bryan Williams
Donald Wells's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Donald Wells
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This campaign started on 13 Nov 2023 and ended on 13 May 2024.