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Plucked parrots in need

$271 donated
Given by 10 generous donors in 2 years

To help towards rehabilitation of plucked & psychologically damaged parrots in need of a second chance in life.


My partner Thomas and I take on a lot of rehomed, discarded and close to being euthanased or death parrots that are pluckers (self mutilated) or have been damaged physically/psychologically in some way or another.

We have been rehabilitating parrots of varying cases for about 2 yrs, putting all of our own funds into getting them better.

Some cases have costed us up to $800 to get better only for us to rehome them with no charge to the new owners.

This is a very costly thing to undertake and unfortunately keeping up costs is becoming progressively more difficult with the size and quantity of parrots we are taking on, especially with a child of our own only mere weeks away!

We have successfully rehabilitated and rehomed 3 parrots so far purrly through our own effort and funds.

We currently have had to take on two 10yr old Sulphur Crested Cockatoos in the last month,

one (George) whose owner died of cancer and he was subject to living in a garage for a year until coming to us, he is a moderate plucker who plucks just to bare skin.

The other (Mintie) is an extreme case whose owners were reaching the age of 90yrs old, they had attempted to rehome him, only to find the new owners had been feeding him sauage rolls and never let him out, this boy unfortunately has chewed right through his skin and now has a large scab to heal with the assistance of a collar and lots of TLC.

We also have a 7yr old Alexandrine who is a moderate plucker who was never given toys to chew on, this resulted in him chewing himself.

We are needing funds to go towards building housing facilities for the increased amount of patients coming in the vet bills, Specialist Plucking jackets, hormone injections, specific diets, toys, and other items required to get these lovely, misunderstood creatures back to full health to be rehomed or to live out the rest of their days with us.

Any little bit would be greatly appreciated and will go a long way to help these birds in need and any that we may need to take on in the near future.

Use of funds

The money will go towards housing facilities, specialist diets and plucking jackets/collars, vet bills, and toys for all patients in care. Additional funds will be kept for future patients or will be donated to New Zealand Bird Rescue Charitable Trust.

Latest donations

Michelle on 06 May 2020
Great cause, keep it up
Lexi on 04 Sep 2019
Private Donor
Private Donor on 21 Jan 2019
Janak on 16 Jan 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Jan 2019

Who's involved?

Sherry Galione (Cheri)'s avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sherry Galione (Cheri)
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This campaign started on 13 Jan 2019 and ended on 13 Jan 2021.