Poor Fiji family in need of help

$1,007 donated
Given by 15 generous donors in around 3 months

Sudesh lives in a very poor area of Fiji called Nawaka. It floods a lot and I want to raise money to lift his house on to poles

Bay of Plenty

Sudesh my brother in law works as a butcher in Nadi Fiji and earns $2.70 per hour (FJD) he is married with 3 kids. The only land Sudesh and his family can afford is a government lease which costs $500 (FDJ) per year. Every time the area floods Sudesh's house floods their beds and the kitchen get wet and filled with silt. Initially I paid $500 (NZD) to buy a house and get it moved to the site but now we need to lift it like the other houses around him and thats what we are seeking the funds for.

We will post costs and we will also provide all of our labour for free and pay for our own flights etc... we need the money for building materials (wood and iron etc...) we expect the costs to be about $5000 but any extra will be used to re floor the house, new iron for the roof and extension to add another bedroom as currently all 5 sleep in one room that is 3*4

Aidan Buchanan's involvement (page creator)

Sudesh is my brother in Law, they live in a very poor area of Fiji called Nawaka. Where they live it floods a lot and I want to raise money to lift his house on to poles

Use of funds

The money will be use to lift the house onto poles and build some stairs and surround the bottom level

Latest donations

Kerry mosa
Kerry mosa on 07 Aug 2018
This is an excellent solution for existing house with strong hardwood timbers. The family will be very helped with your support, we are over 1/5 there, please just give a little, even $10 a week over few weeks is easy, and soon we’ll reach goal & construct.
Sharma R D
Sharma R D on 05 Jul 2018
Andy and Claire
Andy and Claire on 05 Jul 2018
Nice one guys. Good luck x
Haukur Harðarson
Haukur Harðarson on 03 Jul 2018
Anything for my friend Fluffy.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Jul 2018

Who's involved?

Aidan  Buchanan's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Aidan Buchanan on behalf of Sudesh and his family
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This campaign started on 29 Jun 2018 and ended on 30 Sep 2018.