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Port Hills Home Destroyed In Fire

  • A little miracle…

      20 February 2024
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    Since Anna’s Alpacas have such a devoted fan base already, here’s a little miracle for you. Another little babe has just been born, the family think perhaps the name “Hope” is fitting! Your donations are providing such a sense of relief, thank you so much.

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    • 21/02/2024 by Jonathan

      That is wonderful news. I think the new born alpaca should be called Miracle. Hope all is well with Anna and her family.

  • Anna's Alpacas

      18 February 2024
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    Many of you have asked how the alpacas are doing, Anna is thrilled to let you know they survived!

    Anna has a family of 9 Alpaca with 2 babies who are just three weeks old.

    When she reached the block up on the Port Hills, a lone police officer did all he could to bar her from entering, concerned for her safety. She pushed past him, unable to bear the thought of leaving her pets to succumb to the fire. The officer threatened arrest; he was terrified for her, Anna says.

    Anna ignored him and pushed on. She reached home and could see smoke inching closer. She quickly grabbed the dogs, but in panic couldn't initially see her cat. A loud meow alerted her and kitty was quickly tossed into the car with the dogs.

    She sprinted to the paddock holding the mamas and babies; the flames were now licking the edge of the fence line. Anna threw open the gate, praying to God the family would run out and head up hill for safety.

    Dad Alpaca was separated from girls, and in the absolute sheer terror of the moment, Anna couldn't get the gate open. Through tears, she had to leave her boy, believing he wouldn't survive. The officer spotted her hauling her stubborn goat up the hill, flames higher than you could imagine, and quickly ran to her aid. Anna wishes to thank the officer, if he's reading this!

    The Alpacas are currently being fed and cared for by Ministry for Primary Industries, and will be moved to the remaining paddock on the property with feed on it.

    Thank you for all your support!

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  • Wow no words!!

      16 February 2024

    Wow, just blown away by the support for Anna and her whānau. They are feeling overwhelmed as you can imagine but just can’t believe how much people, total strangers, are rallying around them. They want to pass on their gratitude and sincerest thanks.

      2 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 16/02/2024 by Marina

      I too am wowed by the great generosity of people in this country! These are people whom we don’t know or will never meet in our lifetime! I’m sure the help from everyone who has donated will help you and your family get back on your feet. Stay strong and positive. One day this generosity will come back to all that has helped a family in there time of need xxx

    • 17/02/2024 by Chingyee

      Everything is going to be alright! Stay strong and positive! I wonder if alpacas survive this fire too? Best wishes to you all.