By locals, for locals. Experience or purchase works from talented Taranaki humans and support the mental health charities who support us!
New Plymouth, Taranaki
Welcome to Pride of Place.
August 23 - September 22
The kaupapa: We love Taranaki, it's an amazing place to live and play. Many of our local creatives are inspired by our beautiful region, and want to give back to those doing the mahi that matters locally.
The physical event is a group art show, with a third of art sales going straight back to local mental health charities: Rural Support Taranaki, Horses Helping Humans Taranaki, Taranaki Retreat and Building Wellness Taranaki. The funds will be used to help those who need it in our community, including farmers, young people, those in the construction sectors and people just needing a break.
Come grab a coffee and check out the show!
Vintage Coffeehouse
97 King Street
Mon-Fri 7am-3pm
Sat-Sun 9am-3pm
Our goal is raise as much money as possible to support mental health in Taranaki. All funds donated to this page will be split evenly between the four charities.
Check out the great work:
Rural Support:
Horses Helping Humans:
Taranaki Retreat:
Building Wellness:
I am someone who wanted to raise funds for grassroots mental health initiative that actually have an impact on the people we know and love. The funds will be split evenly four ways.
In Taranaki: Counselling sessions, suicide prevention, retreat respite stays, wellbeing workshops, suicide prevention, mentoring, youth programmes for life skills and emotional regulation, financial guidance, help in adverse events.