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Protecting a little paradise

  • Update on the Suwarrow RAT campaign

      31 March 2022
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    We are making slow but sure progress on the fundraising. BirdLife International have promised NZ$15,000 to the cause. We also have received NZ$5,000 from the Cook Islands National Environment Service. Together with the NZ5,000 raised so far from this Givealittle page, and the approximately $5,000 from direct donations to our office and the $5 from each of our TIS water bottle sales, we are sitting on $30,000 raised so far. This is fantastic, but still $20,000 short of our needs. Thank you so much to all of you for your donations. Please do share this page with your friends, and get the word out far and wide.

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  • Just updated the goal amount to account for funds raised elsewhere.

      1 March 2022

    With the generous donations received from you all via this page approaching $5,000, plus the $15,000 raised elsewhere, we have reduced the amount we need to $35,000. Here is another little video clip with some of the next generation of environmental warriors.

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  • Thanks to all those that have donated for all your support.

      1 March 2022
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    Several months ago we updated this page to reflect a priority area of our work that needed funding. That was when we found the remnant rat population on one motu (islet) in Suwarrow National park, and recognised that an urgent response was required if we were to stop them spreading to other motu. Thanks to the generous support offered by donors through this page, as well as other direct donations, we have raised almost $20,000. However, this still leaves us short by $30,000. We are therefore extending the time that this give a little page is open to help us achieve this goal.

    The link is to the video from a previous campaign to eradicate the rats on Suwarrow, and gives a good indication of the effort involved.

    Thanks again for your support, from the team at Te Ipukarea Society

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  • Why this is so important

      2 February 2022

    Somebody sent us this link to a short video, which shows exactly why this work is so urgent and important.

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  • Update on efforts so far!

      21 January 2022
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    Meitaki ma’ata to everyone for their kind and generous support from far and wide. We are excited to confirm that we have raised a total of $7535 so far!

    Some of these donations have come directly to us (outside of Givealittle) and also includes $5 from the sale of each of our insulated reusable bottles ($35 each), available from the TIS office in Rarotonga.

    We do still have a fair way to go to reach our target, so please share this page with your friends & family. You can learn more about the project at

    Thanks again we appreciate your generosity and care for the seabirds of Suwarrow.

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  • We smelled a rat!

      25 November 2021

    We have a specific and urgent task to fundraise for. We found a remnant poulation of rats on Suwarrow National Park which threaten the seabird poulations that nest there. They need to be eRATicated!

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