Help us support Carmen, Sam & Ranger
Ranger has brain tumour. And we were told median survival time is 1 month. We have chosen to proceed with chemotherapy despite limited benefits based off scarce primary papers. I (Carmen) hope he tolerates it well and is able to buy us back more time. How much more time? I'm not sure either.
We had him back last night after 3 nights of hospitalisation. He's still the same sweet boy, but gets confused in the middle of the night and paces and pants around for hours till end.
It really breaks my heart seeing him like this. I often wonder how much pain is he going through and what are his wishes.
Sam and I have been so fortunate to have met so many of you here because of Ranger. Please if I can ask for him to be included in your prayers 🙏.
Ranger still loves his walks and friends! If any of you human or fellow dogs would like to meet up or perhaps say an advanced goodbye while he is still alive, please hit us up. I really want to maximize all the time he has with us, so hes doing all the things he love, with the people he loves.
I know Carmen and Sam through work at Middlemore and Auckland Hospital's.
Veterinary consults, chemotherapy and medication
Ranger's fight 23 June 2023
(We are reopening this givealittle page as a few people have missed seeing this and would like to contribute to ranger's fight.)
Rangers update post brain tumour diagnosis! A few people have been asking. Thank you so so much for thinking about us.
We started ranger on chemo shortly after his diagnosis. He regained mental clarity, however was limited by severe diarrhoea for 1 week. Ranger was shunting himself off from people who came to see him as he didn’t want to be seen in that current state. We ran on little sleep and lots of towel and bum washes.
Once the diarrhoea settled, Ranger was up and running and was behaving very much like a 2 year old! We suspect it was the steroids that was hyping him up. Either way, we weren’t complaining! Apart from little sleep, we enjoyed reliving his puppyhood years again.
Then came the bad news of liver injury from chemo. Treatment options are now limited. We had him on second line chemo for 1 week, but the liver just got worst.
Ranger is now on a drug holiday. He is clinically well currently and is back to behaving like the little boy we have always known him to be.
Thank you to all those who showed up/called/checked in when we needed you the most. Thank you to those who contributed through the givealittlepage. Ranger loved all the gifts too. We are beyond grateful to be loved and supported by all of you.
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