Ratana Paa Waka Ama

$410 of $3,000 goal
Given by 8 generous donors in 4 weeks

Support Ratana Paa Kaihoe Trust. Thank you in advance! Ma Te Mangai hei tautoko mai aianei ake nei ae!

Manawatu / Whanganui

Matua Tama, Wairua Tapu me nga Anahera Pono Ma te Mangai hei tautoko mai aianei ake tonu nei, Ae!

Ratana Paa Kaihoe Trust set up in early 2018. We are proud to have represented at 2 regional events and 2 national events since then, with 6 teams altogether.

We are proud to have achieved 90% of funding to purchase our first W6 to begin growing our resources. We have been borrowing and hiring these from a few different clubs in Whanganui.

If you would like a help us to get more of our Morehu on the water representing locally, nationally and internationally please donate today no matter how big or small. Every cent will count towards our dream!

About us

Ratana Paa Kaihoe Trust is based at Ratana Paa, Whanganui. Our objectives are to nurture and develop the potential of our young people and those who can make a positive difference for our Morehu people.

Use of funds

To purchase the rest of the W6 we have partial funds for.

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Latest donations

Maia-grace Tunua
Maia-grace Tunua on 07 Mar 2019
Awesome mahi whanau
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 03 Mar 2019
Come on Ratana paa parents that had your kids in waka ama 2019 give a little so our kids will have their own W6 waka for this year practices and for ever.
Te Whetu Marama
Te Whetu Marama on 03 Mar 2019
White Song
White Song on 18 Feb 2019
James - Castlecliff
James - Castlecliff on 15 Feb 2019
Beter reserve my seat for a Thirsday TKoK paddle!

Who's involved?

Ratana Paa Kaihoe Trust 's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Ratana Paa Kaihoe Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 7 Feb 2019 and ended on 7 Mar 2019.