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Rebecca's Battle with Severe Chronic Fatigue

on 11 Mar 2023

Deborah asks

Hi Wayne,

I second Wendy. Mel Abbott from Empower Therapies would be well worth contacting. She has a free webinar on her website

She's had 12 out of 12 long covid success so far of which 3 were wheelchair or bed bound.

She's based in Auckland but can do online.


Thanks Deborah. I will look at Empower. So far, all the talking Therapies/CBT based offerings look like they would be of benefit to Rebecca once, she can tolerate noise, light & conversation - unfortunately, currently she can not. Appreciate your suggestion though :-)

Wayne Cumming
on 1 Mar 2023

Robbie asks

Hi Wayne there is a book Stay Healthy by David Coory 11 edition is very good

plus I find Diatomeaus Earth food Grade which is silica that the body needs with oxygen, & carbon plus some minerals you can get in touch with me to enlighten you abit more

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on 27 Feb 2023

Moni asks

Hi Wayne. Sending blessings to Rebecca and your family. I see there are many comments of well wishes and suggestions. I, and others I know well, have completed the Lightning Process training and had great results from it. I know there are skeptics who have posted online and support from the mainstream medical profession is as yet mixed, however I personally found it very effective. Here is the page with my testimonial.

When I read Rebecca's story is sounds very similar to a close friend of mine, Richard. He was bedbound for many years and has his life back from Lightning Process also: Richard and I originally met through volunteering at Tearfund after he became well, we both attend churches in New Zealand. Alice, who I see has posted before us on this page is part of our wider community and has had success also.

I know it is a confusing and distressing time full of heart ache, and great challenges, I appreciate there is much advice given by many well meaning people and it can be hard to sift out the wheat from the chaffe. So I offer our testimonials with the knowledge that Rebecca and all of you as a family will find your way to the right answers for you. If you wish to reach out, please feel free to contact me on Moni

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on 26 Feb 2023

Kirsty asks

Wishing you and your family all the best. As someone living with a chronic illness with no 'fix' in sight it can be so hard on the patient and the family. Make sure you guys get all the support you need!

FYI - someone donated at approx 5am Sat morning and commented that this is probably rhe result of the covid vax and various rubbish. I'm not sure of your views on this but may I suggest replying to the comment to correct their assumption that this is a vax side effect. Not at all what you need to be dealing with but such mis info doesn't help things and potentially clouds people's opinion on the illness.

Have donated the little I can and hope that you can all see a light at the end of the tunnel really soon. Kirsty.

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on 25 Feb 2023

Doreen asks

Hi Wayne., so very sorry to hear of your plight with Rebecca.

Having read she was in Sourh America is it possible she picked up a parasite?

My neice travelled there for a few months and she indeed did pick one up. She travelled to Germany but within days became very ill. We had to fly her to Australia where she was treated by her Aunt and recovered.

Initial Symptoms sound the same.

A parasite cleanse is all that was required., the parasites can be deadly.

Certainly wont hurt giving it a try.


Andrea Moore


Good thought- we had considered (unlikely but not improbable) that Rebecca may have contracted Lyme disease whilst living in South America ( it is a Lyme hotspot) & given that it can have a delayed latency period. Rebecca has been tested for this- negative

Wayne Cumming
on 25 Feb 2023

Seam asks

Hi Wayne,

Have you seen these recent studies

The Role of Kynurenine Pathway and NAD+ Metabolism in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Mona Dehhaghi 1 2 , Hamed Kazemi Shariat Panahi 1 , Bahar Kavyani 1 , Benjamin Heng 1 2 , Vanessa Tan 1 2 , Nady Braidy 3 , Gilles J Guillemin 1 2

Affiliations expand

PMID: 35656104 PMCID: PMC9116917 DOI: 10.14336/AD.2021.0824


in COVID-19 and viral infections

Minyan Zheng,1,2 Michael B. Schultz,1,2 and David A. Sinclair1,⁎


Hi Seam - we have and continue to plough and research numerous clinical studies, papers etc . Thanks for the one you sent- we'll look at it too

Wayne Cumming
on 25 Feb 2023

Alice asks

Kia ora Wayne,

I see from one of the comments above you are linked with SWBC. Great! Some years ago when I lived in Christchurch, I attended Spreydon Baptist, back when it was called that. A wonderful place.

I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. How absolutely devastating. I myself was diagnosed with ME/CFS by Dr Rosamund Vallings six months after getting COVID in 2020. I had tried to go back to work but deteriorated and ended up losing my job, was mostly housebound for about eight months.

I was contacted by someone about the Lightning Process but had a lot of skepticism. There are, as I am sure you will have experienced, many people suggesting all sorts of therapies. I had read negative things and warnings about the Lightning Process online. But after a point of rock bottom, I decided to give it a go. I did it and it really felt like a miracle from Jesus (though it is neuroscience, I believe it uses the way God has wired our brains and bodies). Two months later I returned to work. That was over two years ago. I am now tramping and running and swimming - living the dream I once feared may never become a reality for me again.

I am not saying Rebecca should try it but I am wanting to let you know, there is hope. I remember fearing "what if I end up stuck here for the rest of my life". But I am not. We have a God of resurrection and I am living in that power now, praise the Lord.

I pray that you find the solutions you need. God bless you all. Sending so much love.



Thanks Alice and good to hear you're doing well. Yes, we're familiar with the program and a few others too. Unfortunately at this point in time Rebecca is barely able to suck from a straw and is unable to voice or process hearing a sentence - so any potential course/ therapy is off the table at present

Wayne Cumming
on 25 Feb 2023

Helen asks

Hi Wayne

I was so pleased to see that Leanne mentioned the lightening process. My daughter who has chronic pain , fatigue and fibromyalgia was bedridden at 17 and completed the lightening process. She now is living independently in Melbourne, she uses the tools from the lightening process to help manage her condition. I cannot speak highly enough of it. She went from being bedridden to leading a full life. Please consider this. It is a researched based course and was created by Dr Phil Parker. I really want to encourage you. I am a nurse also. I hope that the info about the lightening process may be of help to you.

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Bec Anne
on 25 Feb 2023

Bec Anne asks

Kia Ora just wanted to say that we have a 19 year old daughter that got sick around the same time after glandular fever. We had been to every specialist with all roads leading to chronic fatigue. Her father had to give up work and her grandparents had to move in with us to do shared care. She was bed ridden most of last year. It is has been so hard. However we got in contact with the cannabis clinic in Auckland and she started medicinal cannabis in January. We have seen a slow but positive difference and she is starting to get energy back, is eating again etc. she is building up her dose slowly. I have never replied to anything I have seen in the media before but we struggled so much as parents and our hearts broke so we understand your struggle. The cannabis clinic has helped our girl and we can see hope now so we wanted to share. Wishing you and you family all the best.

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on 25 Feb 2023

Cam asks

Hi Wayne, I feel for you and the family.

Having ME of similar severity, losing our home, having a partner with TBI & MD as well I understand both the carer role and the catastrophic crash/constant pain of ME & the difficulty when most food becomes hazardous. It takes a lot to write this so I will keep short (fyi info about me

I am interested in how you managed to get assigned support hours & what orgs did you go through for needs assessment?

This is as I have been told that even food prep support & home care support is unfunded for those with severe ME.

Also it would be interesting to find out if you have been able to access any income support (even with disabled partner in wheelchair, homeless and income-less at the time we were told there is no option for housing support even if no accessible rental to accept us anywhere in NZ, long term situation got much worse and then slightly better). Disabled partners often get denied any income support for medical needs and we are a couple both with severe disabilities.

In addition it would be great to find out how you managed to source the bed.

I wish you the best at navigating the future path.

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on 25 Feb 2023

Wendy asks

Hi Wayne. I don’t know you or your family but I can totally relate to your story. Our son Adam had Chronic Fatigue for 4 years, but has completely recovered after doing a course with Mel Abbott at Empower Therapies. Her course is called “The Switch”. Please look into it for your beautiful daughter. Mel herself had CFS for 11 years and so totally knows what Rebecca is going through. I’d encourage you to look at Mel’s website, or give Mel Abbott a call and discuss how her course could help Rebecca. I really hope for the best recovery for your girl. Wendy x

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on 25 Feb 2023

Stu asks

Hi Wayne, I was in exactly the same condition as Rebecca is now 30 years ago after acute Glandular Fever (EBV). Without going into detail here, I wanted to reach out & say that it IS recoverable, fully. It will require a multi-faceted approach. More than happy to discuss ideas/themes with you. The UK ME website is good. Sounds like Rebecca has two v supportive parents. Stu.


Thanks Stu - yes, we've looked at the U.K website - there are some good websites out there. Agreed, definitely a multi-faceted approach- you couldn't do it any other way with severe MECFS. Thanks for your words of encouragement and hope

Wayne Cumming
on 25 Feb 2023

Magda asks

Hi Wayne, I just came across the article about Rebecca and felt I should reach out. I went through the severe form of chronic fatigue in my early 20's, it was many years in bed in the dark room. My mum and I fought it alone as it wasn't a recognised disease back then. I recovered, but I still feel it in my system and manage it on a daily basis.

I see you already have so much advice, support and info, however if you'd like I could share what worked and still works for me. Magda, Kaitaia.


Thanks Magda - we may reach out in the future - please don't take offense, but we're pretty snowed at present. Thanks for your support & hope for a better future for Rebecca

Wayne Cumming
on 25 Feb 2023

Todd asks

Hi Wayne. I’m so sorry to read about Rebecca’s struggle with long covid. I live in Wellington and for the past year have been suffering from it, with very similar symptoms to Rebecca. I was practically bed-bound for 4 months but have slowly been putting my life back together after an intervention using the lightning process technique (and possible low dose naltrexone, which my doctor in Tūrangi was kind enough to try me on). I am hesitant to say the same will definitely help Rebecca after only reading the givealittle page but I would be more than happen to chat about the things I’ve found useful over the phone if you thought it would be useful.

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on 25 Feb 2023

Leanne asks

Hi Wayne

My name is Leanne and I am based in the Hawkes Bay. I would like to share with you regarding my own experience of CFS/ ME. After suffering for 20 years I have been well for a year and a half after participating in the Lightening Process. I know of similar cases to your daughter who have made astounding progress, despite the level of severity. I would highly recommend you take a look at the website Monarch Lives by Jenny Oliver who is the practitioner. I promise you this could be a life changer. I am contactable at

Jenny does travel from the Hawkes Bay to patients. I have also shared the Stuff article with Jenny. I know that Jenny would also explain to you the neuro science behind the process. She can be contacted through her website or via cell .


Hi Leanne - Thankyou, we are already aware of several treatment/therapy sessions which are offered to people with MECFS and a range of other conditions., including the one you mention. We are also aware of the many varying and contentious comments around some of these programs and are pleased that you have found it helpful for you. Wishing you continued good health

Wayne Cumming
on 15 Feb 2023

Cameron asks

Hi Wayne, sorry to hear this horrible news. I don’t you or your family. My wife and I go to SWBC, maybe that’s the connection of friends we have? I have been suffering from ME/CFS for 2 years now and just had to give up work, if you ever want to chat to someone who gets it or discuss support/good recovery organisations I’d be more than happy. I feel for you guys, it’s a tough journey!


Hi Cameron - thanks for reaching out :-) Yes, that must be the connection-SWBC. Thanks too for your offer of support- we are thankful to be receiving so much support from family, friends & others including our Somerfield community. We're linked in with MECFS Canterbury and a few others;so okay at present

Wayne Cumming

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