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ReliefAid is delivering aid to families in Gaza

  • Thank you for your help! How you are supporting families in Gaza

      23 May 2024
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    Thank you to everyone who has supported our work in Gaza.

    Because of your generosity, we have been able to continue delivering safe drinking water to roughly 3,000 people daily and we look forward to continuing doing so. We were also able to successfully get a truckload of food across Gaza's border and distribute life-saving food to approximately 2,600 people in Rafah.

    The situation in Gaza remains extremely dire. As you may be aware, families are being told to evacuate Rafah due to the new offensive. Our team are amongst the civilians who have now been displaced once again to what they have been advised is a safe humanitarian zone. This safe zone is ever shrinking and has no services; people are struggling to find a tent for shelter, and food, water and medicine are extremely scarce.

    We are grateful for your ongoing support which is enabling us to continue making a difference to families lives in Gaza. Please join us by sharing our work, spreading awareness, and advocating for peace.

    Thank you for helping us to deliver aid that cannot wait, to those who need it most.

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  • Thank you for helping us support families under fire

      25 March 2024
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    The situation for families in Gaza gets more dire each day, but each day, thanks to your support, we continue delivering vital aid. Our team in Rafah distribute two tankers of drinking water daily supporting 3,000 people living in displacement camps. It is a drop in the ocean of the needs of the 1.5 million people displaced to Rafah, but a lifesaving drop.

    Our work in Gaza began with water and food distributions in Northern Gaza. At the same time, we expanded and formed a team in Khan Yunis to support families further South too. Repeated ground offensives in both locations rendered the situation too dangerous to continue operations so our team, alongside a significant percentage of population, fled to Rafah where they are now overseeing the water distributions.

    Like every other aid organisation, we are wrestling with the challenges of getting aid across the border. We have a truckload of vital food supplies in the queue at the border and we remain determined to get it delivered safely to families in Gaza.

    We are enormously grateful for your help, which has helped us support over 150,000 people with aid since the start of the conflict.

    With no sign of a ceasefire, no improvement in access for humanitarian aid and the impending threatened ground offensive, the lives people in Rafah are becoming increasingly more fragile. Please share our work with your families and friends and join us in advocating for a ceasefire and unfettered access for humanitarian aid. Thank you.

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  • Thank you for helping us deliver vital aid in Gaza

      3 January 2024
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    We cannot thank you enough for responding to help families in Gaza. The situation is extremely challenging with 90% of the population displaced from their homes and no respite in the bombing BUT it is not impossible to make a difference.

    We are currently delivering 8000 litres of water a day to displacement camps - safe drinking water is a lifeline. Securing food supplies is difficult but we have been able to purchase some supplies within Gaza to deliver ready meals and food parcels. We have more food ready to cross the border when access is feasible.

    Our entire team in Gaza have been displaced and have lost family members and colleagues. They are exhausted but determined to do what they can to serve their people. Abdulhadi who leads the ReliefAid team there asked us to pass on this message:

    “Your support means a lot to us, and we truly appreciate your efforts to make a difference. Every voice raised in support and every effort to help matters greatly.

    It is challenging for us to protect ourselves and securing water, food, bread, and basic life necessities is difficult. Nevertheless, we're doing our utmost to care for families. Safety is a priority, and we hope for peace to prevail in Gaza soon.

    Thank you for your kind efforts and support. I lack the words to fully express my gratitude to everyone.”

    Today, tomorrow and the days to come families in Gaza will continue to need help. Please join us by sharing our work, spreading awareness, and advocating for peace.

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    • 03/01/2024 by Imelda

      Thank you for your commitment in delivering aid to relieve the suffering in Gaza and thank you for doing it so with integrity and that we could trust you

  • Thank you! How your support is helping in Gaza.

      13 November 2023
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    Our sincere thanks to everyone who is supporting ReliefAid's work in Gaza. Your support is enabling us to distribute ready meals, food baskets and water to families who have nowhere else to turn. The situation in Gaza remains dire and we are devastated by the loss of two of our team in a missile strike. Whilst our Gaza team mourn the loss of their colleagues and friends, they remain steadfast in their determination to deliver lifesaving aid.

    If you didn’t hear Mike Seawright’s interview on RNZ this weekend you can listen to it here:

    Thank you for your support, compassion and humanity. Today, tomorrow and the days to come families in Gaza will continue to need help. Please join us by sharing our work, spreading awareness and advocating for peace.

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