Removing obstacles that prevent Kiwi's getting the mental health care they need, when they need it!

$780 of $37,800 goal
Given by 16 generous donors in around 9 months

Kick start what we believe to be an essential key in combating the suffering of those with mental health issues.


Mental health effects everybody in some way. By the time people have overcome their embarrassment and fear of the 'stigma' they have lost the golden opportunity to seek help early. By the time they actually get to see a specialist they are usually months down the line. Imagine ... MONTHS with that inner voice attacking them daily. How many commit suicide because of these delays? I don't know, but ONE is too many, especially when dealing with kids.

Partnering with Organizations and Community Care, this initiative breaks down those barriers, does away with the unreasonable delays ... will probably save lives!

Simple Systems' involvement (page creator)

This is my 'epiphany', my one-man band company needs to build the wire diagram to make sure it works, and to make sure it is built as it needs to be.

Use of funds

Phase 1 - Building a working model from App design & build ($11,000), CRM design, build and integration, ($19,000), website/domain design & build ($3580.00), database setup & automation, ($3420), to facilitate future grants & sponsorship applications. +5%

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Latest update

Thank you everyone that has donated so far.   10 December 2022

Every single dollar helps bring this dream to life! 'Mental illness' is probably the broadest medical term and the least understood, yet the most prevalent societal challenge of today. There are many ways to help, many organizations that are willing to help, we just want to connect them to each other with one simple process! Help us 'Build the connection' and THANK YOU again for the support!

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Latest donations

Ben on 20 Feb 2023
All the best Andy!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Jan 2023
A great cause, thanks for talking at Paul’s memorial game.
Emma on 19 Dec 2022
Alvin on 17 Dec 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Dec 2022
Happy birthday :)

Who's involved?

Simple Systems's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Simple Systems (Business) on behalf of Mental Health initiative
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This campaign started on 29 Oct 2022 and ended on 7 Aug 2023.