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The REOSA Walk - support Libby & Kate

  • REOSA Support Libby and Kate

      30 January 2023
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    Ngā mihi nui ki a koe

    Huge gratitude to you

    The REOSA Team would like to thank you for all your support. Without you, the REOSA journey would not have been possible.

    We set out to spread awareness around the ripple effects of sexual abuse in New Zealand, as well as create hope for survivors and let them know they are not alone. The impact we felt as we travelled down the country was huge. Some survivors felt save to disclose of their abuse for the very first time, and are now getting the help they need to reduce the effect of the ripples in their lives. Others have been able to take the next step on their healing journey, knowing that there is acceptance and understanding in their communities and support networks.

    Your support and generosity has directly contributed in such a positive way for so many people, and for this, we cannot thank you enough!

    Our Give A Little page will be closing on 1st February 2023. You can head over to our website and social media pages to keep up to date with REOSA.

    Website –

    Instagram - @reosa_nz

    Facebook - @reosa.newzealand

    Nāku iti noa, nā

    Yours sincerely,

    The REOSA Team

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  • REOSA Moving Forward

      15 December 2022
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    Thank you so much for donating to our Give A Little Page. The REOSA Walk is now over, but our initiative to create hope, dispel loneliness and encourage understanding by raising awareness about the ripple effects of sexual abuse will continue to carry on in many other forms.

    We will continue printing and distributing both our must read handbooks and all the information for these are under "Handbooks" on our website,

    2023 will see the first annual FLURO DAY which will be in honour of all sexual abuse survivors plus highlighting the ripple effects of sexual abuse.

    We are also working with many organisations to help share their resources nationwide to enable all survivors to have access to what would best help them on their healing journeys.

    To keep up with all things related to REOSA please continue to follow us on our social media channels.

    Thank you.

    Have a great Christmas and we hope to connect with you again in 2023.

    Libby and Kate and The REOSA Team

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  • The Final Week!

      10 November 2022
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    In a message to the REOSA Team this morning, Libby reminded us all that, in a week, she and Kate will be waking up in Invercargill to start the last day of The REOSA Walk. Whilst it is hard to believe the end of the walk is near, we hope we are starting a conversation that will continue long beyond next Thursday.

    In the last 12 days, Libby and Kate have travelled from Picton to Timaru, hosting six Supporters Walks en route. Only five Supporters Walks remain; this week, the REOSA team will be in Oamaru (tomorrow, November 11th) and Dunedin (Sunday, November 13th) before heading further South for the final three Supporters Walks next week. Whilst weather conditions have been challenging on a couple of days of the South Island leg, the welcome that Libby, Kate and the support crew have received from hosts, supporters, and the public has been incredibly warm and encouraging! Our intrepid wāhine love meeting and connecting with those of you who join our Supporters Walks, and as the end of this journey draws near, your continued energy and enthusiasm will be appreciated!

    We have some fantastic photos and videos from our South Island leg on our Facebook (@reosa.newzealand) and Instagram (@reosa_nz) pages; like or follow us to watch our progress as we enter the final week of the REOSA Walk!

    Thank you,

    Ngā mihi nui,

    Libby, Kate and the REOSA Team

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  • From North Island to South Island!

      26 October 2022
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    Libby and Kate will host their final North Island Supporters Walk in Wellington tomorrow morning before boarding the ferry to Picton ahead of REOSA's South Island leg. It isn't easy to summarise how monumental the North Island leg of REOSA's journey has been. We have been humbled by the bravery and courage of the survivors we have met during our Supporters Walk. We have felt encouraged and supported by those who have engaged with us and shown curiosity and interest in the educational resources we have brought on our journey. We're also grateful for those who have donated funds to REOSA, donated time to wish us well or become our support crew, or welcomed us into their homes. We're incredibly proud of what we've achieved together thus far and hopeful that we're creating meaningful, lasting change in our country.

    On our Facebook page, we have albums of photos taken during our 18 Supporters Walks to date. If you're interested in what we've been up to during the last 25 days, please head over to Facebook for a look (@reosa.newzealand). If you're interested in joining one of our upcoming Supporters Walks, please check out our website or join us at 11.00 am tomorrow on Oriental Parade in Wellington (we'll be in the fluro yellow!)

    Thank you,

    Ngā mihi nui,

    Libby, Kate and the REOSA Team

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  • Thank you Tāmaki Makaurau! Now we're continuing South...

      19 October 2022
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    The Auckland leg of REOSA’s journey included two ’home’ Supporters Walks – Libby’s in Orewa and Kate’s in Huapai – and two equally special Supporters Walks in Cornwall Park and St. Helier’s. The turnout on all four occasions was incredible; thank you to family, friends, and REOSA supporters – we’re so grateful for your encouragement and support!

    Since week 3 started, we've met incredible people at Supporters Walks in Hamilton, Matamata, Tauranga, Whakatāne and Rotorua as Libby and Kate continue south on their journey.

    We never imagined that so many people would join our Supporters Walks; Libby and Kate enjoy meeting and talking with every person joining these walks, and the entire REOSA team is humbled by the number of people making an effort to help us achieve our mission of raising awareness of sexual abuse in our country and its negative ripple effects impacting our communities. Whilst Libby and Kate make every effort to walk every kilometre they can, some of the walking kilometres are being supplemented with biking kilometres to ensure enough time to connect with everyone joining our Supporters Walks – whilst still completing daily kilometre targets! As a team, we believe our most significant accomplishment will be the number of people we connect with and the awareness we raise.

    If you’d like to join an upcoming Supporters Walk or have family or friends that may be interested, please check out ‘The REOSA Walk’ section of our website or head over to Facebook (@reosa.newzealand).

    Thank you,

    Ngā mihi nui,

    Libby, Kate, and the REOSA Team

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  • Week One Completed!

      11 October 2022
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    It’s hard to believe that we’re already three days into week two of The REOSA Walk! During the course of the first week, Libby and Kate travelled 200km side-by-side, spent over seventeen-and-a-half hours ‘on the road’, hosted four Supporters Walks, and made it from Cape Reinga / Te Rerenga Wairua to the outskirts of Auckland / Tāmaki Makaurau.

    Week two started with our Orewa Supporters Walk and, after an incredibly touching waiata, Libby and Kate set-off accompanied by over 80 supporters. The conversations that are being had and the stories that are being told during our Supporters Walks underline the importance of REOSA’s mission, and we’re so grateful to everyone joining and sharing with us.

    We’re also grateful to everyone engaging with REOSA’s story in the media; members of our team are reading all comments posted online and Libby and Kate are walking with your encouraging and supportive words in their heads and in their hearts every day.

    Don’t forget that daily updates of Libby and Kate’s progress are being posted on our Facebook (@reosa.newzealand) and Instagram (@reosa_nz) pages – follow along to stay up-to-date!

    Thank you,

    Ngā mihi nui,

    Libby, Kate, and the REOSA Team

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    • 13/10/2022 by Joy

      God bless u as you do your walk may be blessed with fine weather for the rest of ur trip.

  • The REOSA Walk is under way!

      2 October 2022
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    On Saturday morning, Libby and Kate (along with close family members and shadowed by our all-important support crew) set off from Cape Reinga / Te Rerenga Wairua amid swirling mist and under grey skies. On Monday morning we’ll host our first REOSA Supporters Walk at Cooper’s Beach – the hardy souls joining us should bring their wet weather gear!

    We have been left speechless by the incredible media coverage we’ve received since setting off on our journey and, more importantly, by the messages and words of encouragement we’ve received in person and virtually from our supporters. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

    We’ll be posting daily updates of our progress on our Facebook (@reosa.newzealand) and Instagram (@reosa_nz) pages – follow along to watch our progress!

    Thank you,

    Ngā mihi nui,

    Libby, Kate, and the REOSA Team

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  • One week to go!

      24 September 2022
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    At 9.30 am on Saturday 1st October, Libby and Kate will take the first steps of The REOSA Walk. Family and close friends will make up the support crew for the first two days on the road. It will undoubtedly be an emotional start to a long-anticipated journey, but one that the team can’t wait for!

    During the first two days, Libby and Kate and the support crew will travel from Cape Reinga / Te Rerenga Wairua down to Taipa, covering over 50km, and arriving in time for the first REOSA Supporters Walk at Coopers Beach on Monday 3rd October.

    Our Supporters Walks are incredibly important to us as they create opportunities for members of the public to join us in raising awareness of REOSA’s mission and support survivors of sexual abuse on their healing journey. We hope to be able to walk alongside many of you on one of our Supporters Walks, and it’s not too late to register to join us through our website:

    Don’t forget to follow our final week of preparations on our Facebook (@reosa.newzealand) and Instagram (@reosa_nz) pages.

    Thank you,

    Ngā mini nui,

    Libby, Kate, and the REOSA Team

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  • Less than two weeks to go!

      20 September 2022
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    It’s hard to believe that, after nearly two years of planning, we have less than two weeks to go! As a team we’re incredibly excited to see our hard work coming to life as we finalise logistics for Libby, Kate, and our support crew.

    The support we have received throughout our journey so far has been amazing; we’re humbled that you have stayed with us during our postponements, and your generosity has helped us get The REOSA Walk to where it is today.

    We hope to be able to walk alongside many of you on one of our Supporters Walks – it’s not too late to register to join us – and, as we get closer to our start date, we’ll be posting daily updates on Facebook and Instagram so follow along to watch our final preparations!

    Together we can all raise awareness and create change.

    Libby, Kate and the REOSA Team

    The REOSA Walk

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    • 20/09/2022 by Joy

      God bless you as you start your walk and may you raise the profile of people that are caught up in sexual abuse throughout their lives

  • One Month to Go!!!

      1 September 2022
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    The countdown to our start date is well underway! We’ve started our training in earnest; our walking clothes are sorted; our shoes are broken-in; our bikes are tuned-up; our drivers and accommodation are booked; and we’ve started packing the van…

    After two postponed starts, we’re looking forward to starting The REOSA Walk on October 1st and we’re excited to meet and walk with some of you on one of our Supporters Walks. All the information about these walks, including links to register to walk with us, can be found on our website here (

    If you’d like to keep up to date with our final preparations, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram (, ).

    Thank you for your on-going patience, support, and generosity,

    Libby, Kate and the REOSA Team

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  • REOSA'S Official Start Date!

      17 June 2022
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    We’re excited to announce that The REOSA Walk will start on Saturday 1ST October 2022 at Cape Reinga / Te Rerenga Wairua!

    COVID-related delays to The REOSA Walk have given our team the opportunity to reflect on our original route, which extended the length of Aotearoa. Our new route ensures that we will be covering the same distance, whilst increasing the number of Supporters Walks and visiting more urban areas, providing greater opportunities to engage with our community and raise awareness.

    We will be walking and biking a total of 2,100km and hosting 30 Supporters Walks around New Zealand. You can view and sign-up for our Supporters Walks on our website [live link to:]. We will be completing a small number of our total kilometres before our October 1ST start date – follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see our preparations and watch our progress!

    We thank you for your patience and ongoing support and look forward to walking side-by-side with you as we travel Aotearoa to raise awareness of the ripple effects of sexual abuse.

    Ngā Mihi Nui,

    Libby, Kate and the REOSA Team

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  • REOSA Postponement

      16 February 2022
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    To all our wonderful sponsors, supporters, family and friends, we have once again found ourselves making the difficult decision to postpone the start of The REOSA Walk, which was due to start on February 28th. This is really disappointing, however, we feel it is the right decision due to the uncertainty surrounding Covid.

    Our initiative to create hope, dispel loneliness and encourage understanding by raising awareness about the ripple effects of sexual abuse, The REOSA Walk, will go ahead as soon as it is safe to do so. We are aware that what Reosa represents doesn’t stop, so we will continue to train hard and be totally organised so we are ready to go as soon as we are able. We will post our next starting date on face book, Instagram, our Give a Little pages and our website. Until then keep up with all things Reosa on our social media pages.

    We look forward to recommencing our journey with you soon. Third Time Lucky!

    Take care and keep safe.

    Lib, Kate and The Reosa Team

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  • Givealittle end date extended

      8 February 2022

    Hi supporters, because of Covid we have postponed our walk and we have extended our Givealittle page to the end of the year. Thanks, Libby & Kate.

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  • REOSA Walk Update

      30 November 2021
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    Kia Ora wonderful supporters

    It has been awhile since we have updated you on what's happening for The REOSA Walk. At this stage we do not have a definite start date, however, The REOSA Team are encouraged by the news of the Auckland borders opening on the 15th December. All gong well, we aim to begin The REOSA Walk at the beginning of 2022.

    We have also added more support walks throughout NZ, all 5km and so look on our Facebook and Instagram pages for updates and on how to join us.

    Libby and Kate have continued with their training and thank you all for your encouragement and support - it has been what has kept them both going over this time.

    We look forward to joining you soon on The REOSA Walk soon

    The REOSA Team

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  • The REOSA Walk

      21 October 2021


    Thank you for supporting REOSA, your financial assistance and words of encouragement have blessed us with our best-possible start.

    REOSA is dedicated to raising awareness of the negative ripple effects of sexual abuse in our communities however, we can’t ignore the life-altering impact that COVID-19 is having on our country. So, with a heavy heart, we have made the difficult decision to postpone the start of The REOSA Walk until March 2022.

    In the meantime, please follow us on our social media channels, and we look forward to re-commencing our journey with you soon.

    Thank you,

    Libby, Kate and the REOSA Team x

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