Repair, Renew, Restore

$3,260 of $49,999 goal
Given by 25 generous donors in one year

We are raising funds to do much-needed repair work on the Wellington Seventh-day Adventist Church building.

Mount Cook, Wellington

The Wellington Seventh-day Adventist Church building is in need of urgent repairs. Last year, during stormy weather, we lost a piece of our roof capping and experienced some flooding when strong winds blew rainwater through a cracked window. So we're starting with the roof and windows, but we also need to repair our washrooms. We're talking about some $250k to $300k. That's a lot, but every cent counts, including the little that you can donate through this page. Thank you so much.

About us

We are a local branch of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in New Zealand which is a registered charity.

Use of funds

All money connected to this page will be spent on building repairs - whether or not the target of this page is met.

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Latest donations

Arbutus (aka: Arby)
Arbutus (aka: Arby) on 09 Apr 2024
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong & keep Trusting God always
Wellington Seventh-day Adventist Church

Hi Donor. Thanks again for giving to our cause, Repair, Renew, Restore. It’s tax time, and we just want to share with you a simple way to receive your tax receipt in case your donation was tax deductible. Just follow these three simple steps. 1. Go to 2. Enter your email address. This must be the one you used to donate. 3. Select the tax year(s) you'd like the receipts for and click on “Get Receipts.” A pdf containing any donations made will be emailed to you. May God bless you.

Wellington Seventh-day Adventist Church
Arbutus (aka: Arby)
Arbutus (aka: Arby) on 26 Mar 2024
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong & keep Trusting God always
Arbutus (aka: Arby)
Arbutus (aka: Arby) on 12 Mar 2024
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong & keep Trusting God always
Arbutus (aka: Arby)
Arbutus (aka: Arby) on 27 Feb 2024
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong & keep Trusting God always
Arbutus (aka: Arby)
Arbutus (aka: Arby) on 13 Feb 2024
Stay safe, stay well, stay strong & keep Trusting God always

Who's involved?

Wellington Seventh-day Adventist Church's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Wellington Seventh-day Adventist Church (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 18 Apr 2023 and ended on 18 Apr 2024.