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Rescuing Dogs in Bali

$1,330 of $2,500 goal
Given by 33 generous donors in 14 days

Dog lovers please help! A dog rescue project in Bali URGENTLY need large dog handlers, so in a whirlwind I am booked in to go in 2 weeks!


Dog lovers I need your help!! I have just taken a BIG RISK for a cause that is close to my heart and many others.. I'm am volunteering for a Dog Rescue project in Bali. They urgently need volunteers like myself, with large breed dog handling skills.

There are thousands of dogs needing our help in Bali and we're not talking about the ones roaming the streets. There is a much worse animal welfare problems hidden in Bali.

Having only seen their urgent call for help 2 days ago, my flights are already booked, and I'm roistered on to volunteer there from 31st May - 17th June. That's in 2 weeks time!

In Bali I will be staying in a safe house where I will be responsible for rehabilitating and re-homing large, scared, rescue dogs.

So I’m putting my faith and hope in there being other dog lovers out there who want to help me make a difference. Every cent will count, if every dog lover I know contributes a small amount we will easily make this happen!

I have taken a huge risk and borrowed money for the flights which were $1200 return. Luckily there is free accommodation at the safe house.

Because of the 2010 Rabies outbreak in Bali I am getting Rabies shots which cost $533 (receipts in photo gallery).

I am going as a volunteer so I will also need to cover my room - in order to have a home and job to return to ;D - can be covered for under $500. I will be paying for my own food etc over there.

Use of funds

Return flight to Bali $1,200

Rabies Shots $580

Keep my home and job in NZ $500

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Latest donations

Amitesh Sharma
Amitesh Sharma on 31 May 2018
Look after yourself Sheree and all the best.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 May 2018
Beverkey on 29 May 2018
Amanda on 29 May 2018
Brian on 28 May 2018

Who's involved?

Sheree McKillop's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sheree McKillop
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This campaign started on 18 May 2018 and ended on 1 Jun 2018.