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Rest In Peace Connor

on 7 Nov 2021

Emma asks

Hi Diane. Firstly i am so very sorry for your huge heartbreaking loss. I am a Mother of a Teenager and live locally. My heart goes out to you and your Family. I am the Christchurch volunteer working for Babyloss NZ and casts hands and feet of babies born sleeping. I have been in touch with my Boss in Auckland ( the owner of Babyloss NZ) i have told her about Connor and that although he was 16 i would like to and she has agreed i reach out and offer my services of a hand casting for you to hold forever. free of Charge of course . It will depend on how you feel obviously and logistics from the Funeral home. Please feel free to call or text me on 021622384 or just ignore the message and know how very sorry i am for you but totally understand if its all too much. Take care Emma x

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