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Rickshaw Run 2018 | Cool Earth & Planeterra

$1,430 of $2,000 goal
Given by 15 generous donors in 6 weeks

We need your help to raise a minimum of $2,000 NZD for two amazing charities.


We're Matt, Sharn & Robbie and we have decided to take on the epic adventure of driving a Tuk Tuk up the west coast of India. We're doing this as part of the Rickshaw Run, an event organised by The Adventurists. ( Not only is the Rickshaw Run an industrial dose of adventure, it’s also about Saving the World. As part of the event, every team sets out to raise a minimum of $2,000 for charity.

The goal is to break down as little as possible, to finish 3,500 km within two weeks, and to get at least $2,000 to these two amazing charities.

- Cool Earth - works alongside indigenous villages to halt rainforest destruction.

Local people stand to lose the most from deforestation but the most to gain from its protection, that’s why they are the forest’s best possible custodians. All Cool Earth partnerships are community-owned and led.

By developing local livelihoods, their mission is to end the cycle of deforestation entrenching villages into further poverty. Creating strong, self-determining communities.

They are also the only charity that works solely where the threat to the forest is greatest, on the frontline of deforestation. They work strategically, each of their partnerships form a shield to make the neighbouring forest inaccessible to loggers – saving millions of acres of further forest.

- Planeterra - Established in 2003, by global adventure travel company G Adventures’ founder, Bruce Poon Tip, Planeterra Foundation is a non-profit organization that has contributed millions of dollars towards projects in areas of social enterprise, healthcare, conservation, and emergency response. They connect social enterprises to the tourism marketplace by providing catalyst funding, capacity training, and a market link for small businesses supporting women, youth, and indigenous communities. Their projects impact some of the most disadvantaged populations, who not only gain access to jobs but also have a chance to redefine their identity and role in society.

Planeterra purpose is to improve people’s lives by creating and supporting social enterprises that bring underserved communities into the tourism value chain.

Matt Tyler's involvement (page creator)

In April 2018, we're driving a Tuk Tuk 3,500km up India. This would be totally insane to do for no reason, so instead we're helping to raise money for two of our favorite charities.

Use of funds

Our adventure is completely self-funded. 100% of your donation will go to Cool Earth & Planeterra.

Latest update

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3/4 Achieved  8 March 2018

Thank you so much for every single donation. We have just received a direct contribution of $750 from Robbies mum. She works as a yoga teacher in Germany and invited friends and students to come and join her for Sunday Yoga in exchange for a donation to our cause. We're really thankful for this effort as we just smashed through the 3/4 mark!

We are now at a whopping $1550 out of the $2000 and still have 20 days to go!

Please tell your friends what we're doing, show them what Coolearth & Planeterra are and force them gently to donate a couple of dollars.

You're all incredible humans.


Matt, Robbie & Sharn.

PS: The donation from Germany doesn't appear on the NZ givealittle page, as it would cost too much in international transfer fees. Instead, we will send the full amount directly to Clean Earth & Planeterra once the campaign has ended.

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Latest donations

Antonia on 31 Mar 2018
Good luck lads
Sharn’s Mumma
Sharn’s Mumma on 30 Mar 2018
Great thing to attempt, you guys. Have a fantastic experience and good on you. Good luck, stay well
Rebecca T
Rebecca T on 18 Mar 2018
Good luck
The new Matthew
The new Matthew on 18 Mar 2018
Good luck
ross on 18 Mar 2018

Who's involved?

Matt Tyler's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Matt Tyler on behalf of Rickshaw Run 2018 - Planeterra & Cool Earth
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This campaign started on 11 Feb 2018 and ended on 31 Mar 2018.