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Life-saving surgery for Ringo

$2,350 of $3,500 goal
Given by 67 generous donors in 4 weeks

Fundraising for life-saving surgery for Ringo, our smallest school horse.

Egmont Village, Taranaki

After a routine dental appointment, our vet discovered a large abscess in Ringo's head. The only solution is to take him up to Waikato Equine Hospital to have it surgically drained and repaired, which will cost several thousand dollars, depending on how it goes and what they find. There is no alternative treatment, and we really don't want to do nothing and watch health deteriorate, so we really want to make it happen for him – but we need to do some fundraising to help cover the costs.

Ringo is a 14-year old registered miniature pony who is ridden and loved by many children. He is the perfect size for preschoolers to learn to care for and ride horses (including off the lead - he's a great pony!).

Kelly Teesdale's involvement (page creator)

Ringo has been part of our Pony Club Centre for five years and we hope to have him happy and healthy for at least another ten.

Use of funds

We are raising money to cover some of the cost of the surgery Ringo needs at Waikato Equine Veterinary Centre to flush and repair the abscess in his head.

Latest update

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Ringo's second visit to WEVC  18 January 2023

Ringo has been at our favourite vet hospital again for a follow up visit to see how his teeth/gums/sinuses are going. He wasn't due til Feb but we thought he had lost a little sparkle and had a slightly whiffy nostril, so wanted to get him checked sooner.

Indeed, some roughage was packing into the gaps between his teeth as the fillers had dislodged at some point (they don't last forever), and everything needed a flush out. A pleasant surprise was that a reasonable amount of soft tissue healing had occurred and the holes through into his sinuses were closing up. He's got new bone cement in the gaps to hopefully allow the gums to heal the rest of the way over 🤞. The gaps will always be something to watch, but much easier to manage with the soft tissue in better shape.

So, not a bad first couple of months. I'll bring him up again in another 2-3 months to see how things are going.

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Latest donations

Catherine on 26 Sep 2022
Good to see people helping such a worthy little 🌟
Rose on 25 Sep 2022
Good luck! xxx
Glenda on 23 Sep 2022
Good luck Ringo!
Rachael on 23 Sep 2022
Sophie on 23 Sep 2022
Good luck Ringo xx

Who's involved?

Kelly Teesdale's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Kelly Teesdale on behalf of Ringo
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This campaign started on 19 Sep 2022 and ended on 19 Oct 2022.