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Robyn's journey to beat Cancer

  • Ngā mihi aroha ki a koutou katoa

      5 August 2024
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    Kia Ora ra,

    Just wanted to jump on and say a final Ngā mihi nui (thanks very much) to all of you wonderful people who have been supporting us on this haerenga before the page closes shortly.

    At the start of this I said I was going to kick cancers butt, and it feels so good to have done this. I only have 2 more hormone treatments left. It's all so surreal at times and I'm not sure the enormity of it all has sunk in yet. We will keep reflecting, learning, growing and helping others who may be traveling down this path to see the light and continue the good fight.

    Keep well and living life to the fullest.

    Aroha nui na Robyn & Zach

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  • Radiation is done

      1 July 2024
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    Manawatia a Matariki ✨️

    We started this jorney at the end of last year and we finish it at the start of the tau hou Maori.

    Just like that radiation is done. The first session I was overwhelmed and terrified, as I didn't know what to expect. The unknown can be frightening. The nurses were lovely and explained everything to me, they were very patient and allowed me time to process what they were telling me as I stood there crying. All of the other sessions that followed were a breeze. Zach got to come in and watch them set me up. At the mapping appointment, they give you 4 little tattoos, which they use to line you up on the table. Everything about your body position has been calculated. From the height of the table to the height of each arm, the distance of your chin from your chest. You are aligned using lasers with the prison tats as markers. From there, they get an x ray and overlay it with the previous to make sure everything is still the same. Then, the radiation arm comes around and adjusts to the treatment area and does its thing. It's about 20 minutes all up, and no pain is involved. Over the next 2 weeks is when I may start to have skin reactions and fatigue. Fingers crossed these are the only side effects I have.

    Now I just have 3 more Herceptin treatments via

    I'm not so sure it has all sunk in yet. The last 7 ish months have been a Rollercoaster.

    Thanks for the support, everyone.

    Aroha nui,

    Robyn & Zach

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  • Drum roll please

      1 June 2024
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    Results are in.....

    Robyn is now considered to be in Complete remission. The pathology results showed no signs of cancer. This means that the chemotherapy completely killed the tumors. No signs of cancer have been found in the breast tissue or lymph nodes that were removed. She now moves onto 6 months of treatment to ensure any leftover cancer cells are wiped out. We are beyond happy with this news, it has made the hard times through chemo all worth it. Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa.

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    • 03/06/2024 by Sarah Mather

      Robyn and Zach, this is THE BEST news!! Sending lots of love and massive hugs from the Mather whanau.

  • Surgery done

      16 May 2024
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    Robyn has had surgery yesterday and it went well. Now it's a waiting game for the result's. We have come so far but still have a way to go with further treatements and radiotherapy. Thank you all for supporting us on this journey. We appreciate all the prayers, love and support. Here is a pre surgery picture.

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  • Kicking Cancer's butt

      20 April 2024

    Hey everyone, We got some great news this week. My MRI shows a complete response to the chemotherapy. This means my tumors are gone and no signs of cancer. My surgery will also be less invasive now as they will just be removing some tissue around where the clips are instead of a lumpectomy. This will then be sent away to be tested to see if there is any cancer in it. Once im healed from this I will start radiation to zap the area to be sure it is all clear.

    Thank you all for your support on this jorney, we still have a way to go but this is great news I just had to share it with you all.

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    • 21/04/2024 by Kathleen

      This is the most amazing news Robyn! You got this girl xxxx

    • 22/04/2024 by Nathan

      Yay! That's great news guys. Congrats!

  • Round 6 fight

      3 April 2024
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    What a day! Today was my last chemo session. 6 of 6 complete including the 3 unfunded sessions completed. Boy oh boy has it been a journey. This is only the first chapter of many more to follow but it feels so good to have been able to ring the bell today. A bell that we got made to donate to the hospital so that others can share in the tradition started by a US Navy officer many years ago. As well as the feeling of achievement ringing it, I got a bit emotional and Zach said he was nearly crying too.

    What's next you ask, I have an MRI next week to track how I have responded and inform the decision for surgery.

    The surgery will also inform the decision for the radiation treatment moving forward. It was planned for 1 month of this.

    I found out yesterday that I have to have 9 rounds of Herceptin via IV, I have had 3 rounds already. This was a huge shock as I thought this chapter was via oral medication and not more needles in my arm and more time in hospital. I did'nt sleep lastnight due to this and have been a bit upset. It is an anti cancer drug and improves my chances of the cancer being stopped from coming back.

    Thanks for all the love and support following this journey. We have come so far but still have a long road ahead. Now it is time to rest and recover.

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  • Round 5, fight!

      13 March 2024
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    Wow round 5 of chemo just completed. The ice bucket for an hour is a treat, had some cute mittens to wear today to keep my hands warm. Yesterday was round 2 of the unfunded drug and 1 more round of each in 3 weeks. I can't believe the end is in sight, im so excited to put this chapter of treatment behind me. Im still having a positive response to treatment which is great and helps me to get through when times are tough. Thank you everyone for your support, prayers and messages/calls checking in on me. Im doing good, lots of hard times but remaining positive. Have a great week.

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  • Unfunded drug time

      20 February 2024
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    Annnddddd were off folks. Round 1 of the unfunded drug going down. Round 4 of chemo tomorrow morning, which means we are over halfway for the first section of the treatment plan. Zach and I have had a wonderful time between treatments. Filling our cups with love, friends, whanau and adventure.

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  • Round 3 Fight

      6 February 2024
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    Kia ora everyone, feels like forever since I have posted an update. Round 3 of chemo done and dusted. Officialy half way through this regime of treatment. I was really knocked this round with fatigue and have only just started to feel ok tonight.

    Round 4 we start a new cocktail of meds which i have to put my fingers in bags of ice to stop my nails falling out, as well as the unfunded drug, thanks to all you wonderful people. Ngā mihi nui 🤎🤎🤎

    This round im thankful to a friend for checking in a couple of days ago, who kindly reminded me to be kind to myself. My body is fighting this dammmm cancer, and it also needs time to heal after the fight. At times it all feels too much to handle but i know i have a wonderful community of humans supporting me. For this I am beyond thankful.

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    • 07/02/2024 by Zandra

      Thinking of you Robyn, hope the ice works to keep your nails! And yes, be kind to yourself, always.

    • 13/02/2024 by Zach Carruth

      Thanks Zandra, hope you are doing well also x

  • Round 2, Fight!

      10 January 2024
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    Kia ora koutou katoa,

    I trust everyone has had an amazing summer holiday doing what brings you joy with the people you love.

    I have just finished round 2 of Chemo and heading home for some rest. Not much else has been going on, we know what to expect now having done 1 round previously so we are into the swing of things and have our new routine on lock.

    Interesting facts, i can no longer taste Whitakers creamy milk but i can taste the dark chocolate one. I cant taste nutella or tomatoe sauce, this is a bit sad as the good Kiwi I am, i enjoy tomatoe sauce with most things.

    That's all for now, have a beautiful day.

    Arohanui Robyn & Zach

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  • Whakawhetai - Gratitude

      3 January 2024
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    Whakawhetai - Gratitude

    We bought this journal before i was diagnosed as im a glass half full kind of girl and love to be mindful and grateful for all things in life. Just realised i havent written in it since.

    Lastnight i was washing my hair and noticed a steady stream of hair being washed away. I screamed out to Zach, then i cried in the shower for a few minutes while he told me it was going to be ok & that we were expecting this to happen. It was at that point i realised what i was grateful for.

    1. I had prepared for this day by getting gradual haircuts.

    2. It was just short hair falling out and not my long hair coming out in clumps in my hand. That would have been so much harder to deal with.

    3. The chemo drugs are doing there thing and this is just part of the process.

    4. My hair doesnt define who i am.

    5. Cancer doesnt effect my smile, so i can keep smiling and being me as my smile represents me more than my hair ever will.

    6. My hair will grow back eventually.

    And so, as Zach sat at the barbers getting a haircut today i decided i was going to do something fun with my hair while i still have it. What 35 year old gets this kind of style you may ask. Hi, its me 🙃 "Im Batman"

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  • Kaore aku kupu, I have no words

      21 December 2023
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    Kia ora ki a koutou katoa,

    In less than 48 hours we have reached our goal as well as covering the give a little fee. Zach and I are absolutely blown away by the love you have all shown me. Every message, every share of the page, every koha and every prayer has been seen and felt as well as bringing me to tears it has filled my ngakau (heart) with so much warmth.

    I know some people are still wanting to donate next week so i have decided to keep the page running. The funds given above our goal amount (that we have just reached, somebody pinch me) will be used to help us while Zach is off work caring for me.

    A whakatauki i used in my vows in October was as follows:

    Mā te ngākau aroha koe e ārahi.

    Let a loving heart guide you.

    It is something i try to do in life and it is what you all have done to help me. Thank you will never be enough.

    Arohanui Robyn and Zach.

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    • 21/12/2023 by Elijah


  • Round 1, fight!

      20 December 2023
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    Kia ora tatou katoa, Ko Robyn tēnei.

    Aue where do I start. We are absolutely blown away by everyone's kindness and love since this page was made.

    It wasn't a journey that I wanted to make public but we need the help to get this rongoa (medicine) to give me a better fighting chance.

    Update Tahi

    We had my first round of chemo today and just arrived home. Feeling a bit tired and dizzy, thus rest is on the cards very shortly. A friend told me to think of the chemo as rongoa thats going to help me feel better, and that really helped me to not be as anxious and scared.

    Arohanui ki a koutou Katoa, thanks for holding me in your thoughts and your prayers.

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    • 20/12/2023 by Pauline

      You got this my mate & we'll be with you right throughout the journey. Sending so much love & hugs ❤️
