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The Rodney Gordon Trust

$70,217 donated
Given by 686 generous donors in around 8 months

Rodney has been recently diagnosed with an extremely aggressive form of cancer which has spread dramatically since its discovery. As a res


Rodney has taught at Auckland Grammar for more than twenty years. Unfortunately he is almost unique to contract this type of cancer at such a young age (45). The Rodney Gordon Trust has been established to assist with the cost of Rodney's treatment and related expenses.

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Latest update

Rodney Gordon Trust update  8 January 2021

Remarkably, it has been eight years since we created this Give A Little page for The Rodney Gordon Trust. Following Rodney's cancer diagnosis, his community came together and raised an incredible sum. These funds have allowed Rodney to undertake cutting-edge treatments, which have undoubtedly prolonged his life. Rodney's treatments have also changed the landscape of prostate cancer therapies available to other New Zealanders.

Unfortunately, after eight years of supporting his treatments, these funds have now been used up. Rodney has recently started a cycle of immunotherapy for lung metastases, costing $9,000 every three weeks. Rodney is proposing to use his superannuation scheme to pay for this. Naturally, we would rather he enjoyed this in his retirement. Therefore, we are again reaching out to the community to assist with Rodney's treatment.

Rodney really is exceptional. His positive mind set and determination to keep himself physically at his best is unwavering. He has shown resilience and fortitude as he has continued to teach and coach at Grammar throughout his illness. 2021 will be his 30th year of service at Auckland Grammar. He is incredibly grateful for the support that allowed him to take this path. Any contribution to The Rodney Gordon Trust will be valued. If you would like to donate please click the following link https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/the-rodney-gordon-trust

Debbie Burridge


The Rodney Gordon Trust

An update from Rodney below:

Hello all. It has been a while… In fact over 8 years since being diagnosed with prostate cancer. I have been fortunate to have support from family, friends and community along with the expertise of the doctors I consult with both here in New Zealand and Los Angeles. I know this is not always the case with others with a similar diagnosis…. I am fortunate.

Since visiting Prostate Oncology in Los Angeles in 2012 and receiving initial radiation treatment to the primary cancer, I have had different types of treatment to suppress disease. This includes 4 cycles of chemotherapy in 2014, 2016, 2017 and just recently in 2020, along with extensive surgery to the pelvis, and then more radiation treatment to secondary cancer in the lung. I had the opportunity in 2018/2019 to go on a clinical trial being treated with an immunotherapy drug and a PARP inhibitor in the early stage of development at Auckland DHB… I consider myself fortunate to get this opportunity.

The treatment has both short-term and long-term side-effects but I have been able to keep fit and healthy through diet and exercise, obsessive at times but easy for an exercise junky.

So to now, we have started on a cycle of immunotherapy to treat the recurrence of lung metastases. The side effects are minimal and I am feeling great. My success is all about staying on top of the disease by staying positive, physically and mentally well, and being able to access treatments through the support and generosity of my doctors, community and family.

Thank you for your support.


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Latest donations

Private Donor
Private Donor on 03 Feb 2014
Jeff Rubak
Jeff Rubak on 10 Oct 2013
My son and I met Rodney last year when they were here with the Santa Margarita cross country team
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Sep 2013
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Sep 2013
From SMCHS Freshmen XC
ryan ramos - smhs xc team
ryan ramos - smhs xc team on 22 Sep 2013
we will be constantly praying for you ...

Who's involved?

Debbie Burridge's avatar
Created by The Rodney Gordon Trust, paying to a verified bank account of Debbie Burridge (Group)
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This campaign started on 15 Jun 2013 and ended on 15 Feb 2014.